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✮ (¸.•´✶Author Brandy Nacole...✯ ¸.•*¨) ✮
Gemini Brandy Nacole is a writer of urban fantasy books. Her favorite holiday is Halloween, so in order to celebrate we are Trick or Treating across Facebook. Visit each blog to find out their part of the daily puzzle, like the page, leave them a message of either "Trick or Treat" or Happy Halloween, then enter the answer in the Rafflecopter and you could win one of dozens of prizes, the grand prize being cash! Join the Facebook event to make sure you don’t miss anything!
Now, a little about our author. She is the author of the Shadow World series and the Spiritual Discord series published by Ponahakeola Press. A reader from a young age, Brandy has always loved folklore and stories of beings that go bump in the night.
Brandy lives in Arkansas with her husband, three never stopping kids, two snooty cats, two very lazy bearded dragons, and one mellow turtle. She is a member of the Ozark Romance Authors in Springfield, Missouri. Whenever she’s not reading or writing, Brandy is spending her time outdoors wheeling, hiking, playing amateur photographer, and enjoying a good laugh.
~~DEEP IN THE HOLLOW is on sale for .99¢ ~~
This insight wasn’t given to me until a year after I lost the most important person in my life: Bryce Rowan. Now, after another death at the same spot where he died—the overlook, where the mysterious lights dance amongst the trees—I begin to wonder if they were accidents after all.
Lucky for me, I’m not the only curious one in town. Cooper, a ghost hunter (aka chaser), and his sister Jada have moved to town and are starting to ask questions.
But the more we find out about this town and the people who live here, people who I have known my whole life, the more I begin to think there are those who would rather keep the evil secret, even if it means we will never be safe, and that more will die.
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Overtaken by fear, I close my eyes.
Kayson is a Fallen Angel who has spent decades running from the Hell Hounds while searching for something that no one else believes can be so, not even God. Kayson is determined to find a Blood Child. But when a hound finds Kayson first, he is sure his end has come.
Falon, Alpha of the Hell Hounds, destroyer of the blood children, and devoted believer in his master’s plan, is bound and determined to drag Kayson back to Hell with him.
Sabrina is a Vampire, a half-breed created from one of Lucifer’s original blood children. After years of hiding, Sabrina’s fate changes when she finds Kayson barely alive. Against her instincts, Sabrina saves him. Now she and Kayson are both marked by the Hell Hounds.
Emma is an ordinary human, whose only problem is making ends meet, and getting over the hurt caused by her untrustworthy brother. Her everyday problems become supernatural ones when she finds Kayson and Sabrina hiding in her parent’s backyard shed.
Kayson, Sabrina and Emma are unlikely allies, thrown together by chance to fight against the most powerful creatures of the underworld in order to follow their world-changing quest. But will the broken faith of one break the faith of all?
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Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1pCek31
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Falon, head of the hell hounds, has been desperately trying to hunt down Kayson and Sabrina but with the rain steadily falling—due to interference by the lower-realm Angels, also known as the assemblies—Falon grows irritated. His only option is to threaten those that may know where the fallen can be found.
With the threat of the hounds finding Kayson and the other fallen, Kayson is running out of time. Stille, once a respected Warrior in the assemblies, is pushing Kayson to leave an unconscious Sabrina behind. After all Sabrina has done for him, Kayson refuses to abandon her. But will his decision leave his friends vulnerable to attack?
Sabrina is conscious enough to sense the struggles that Kayson is facing. If he knew the torture she’s been going through, she knows he would suffer even more. Sabrina silently fights the darkness that is seeping into her dreams, while struggling to stay strong for Kayson. But when the pain becomes too much, Sabrina has to make a choice that may cost not only her life, but the lives of others as well.
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iBooks: https://goo.gl/qchk1a
Kobo: https://goo.gl/QbHrUl
Now, only days after the fight between the fallen and the hounds, Kayson is determined to find Sabrina and bring her back from Hell. The only thing standing in his way is a dangerous fallen angel named Iraja. Iraja has the means to find Sabrina, but he doesn’t do favors without a price.
Sabrina is now facing the nightmare she’s been running from since being turned into a vampire a century ago: her eternal condemnation to Hell. Knowing her only chance of survival may rest by playing nice and turning Hell hound Falon against Lucifer, Sabrina gives into the bitter darkness and now has to fight to remember the good soul she truly is. But when she discovers the role her and the innocent human Emma are forced to play, will her fear get the better of her, and will she be lost forever?
In the third installment of the Spiritual Discord series, the will to survive is tested, worst fears become a reality, and for one, betrayal becomes the only option.
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Amazon UK:http://goo.gl/LaQgu7
iBooks: https://goo.gl/T5yN4V
Kobo: https://goo.gl/73GrwC
Barnes & Noble: http://goo.gl/0XpKM4
Blogs for Day 5
Socially Awkward Book Nerd https://www.facebook.com/Socially-Awkward-Book-Nerd-875215039242956/
Smokin' Hot Books http://www.facebook.com/luv2read4medeal sharing aunt https://www.facebook.com/Deal-Sharing-Aunt-124318396397/?fref=ts http://dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com/ Kassidy Carter https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKassidyCarter/ Nerdy Dirty & Flirty https://www.facebook.com/nerdydirtyandflirty/?fref=ts http://nerdydirtyandflirty.blogspot.com/ In A Bookish World https://inabookishworld.wordpress.com A Naughty Book Fling https://www.facebook.com/A-Naughty-Book-Fling-979093872159562/ http://anaughtybookfling.weebly.com/ Kinx's Book Nook https://www.facebook.com/KinxsBookNook/ https://kinxsbooknook.org/
Also stop by Indie Impressions https://www.facebook.com/Indie-Impressions-1414572455478177/
to find the daily bonus, and don’t forget to given them a like and leave a message!Check one of these blogs for missing letters.
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December 2018