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FREE FREE FREEFall For MeThe Rock Gods, Book One by Ann ListerOn the 9th December for the first time EVER Fall for me will be FREE to download for one day ONLY!BUY LINKSAmazon UK http://amzn.to/2figq2KUniversal http://getbook.at/FallForMeBLURBEntertainment journalist, Ryan Pierce, meets the infamous bad-boy rocker, Dagger Drummond, and walks away with a great interview and a scandalous news bit that has the potential to turn the music world on its ear. Exposing the story would boost Ryan's career, but it would also come with the risk of ruining Dagger's privacy – and possibly his Rock God status. The unlikely friendship that develops between Dagger and Ryan brings Ryan to question more than just his journalistic oath to report the news. It also forces him to take a look at himself and newly discovered feelings – feelings that make Ryan blind to the risk of becoming front page news himself. Will Ryan find the courage to make a life decision to give himself true happiness with Dagger or take the path that would likely lead to heartbreak and destroy his career forever?GOODREADSAdd to your TBR shelf. Click I want to read. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17913095-fall-for-me?ac=1&from_search=trueOTHER BOOKS IN THIS SERIESTHE ROCK GODSAUTHOR BIOBLOGGERSJoin Ann Lister's master list by completing the sign up form below. https://goo.gl/forms/qHHqXPoLRgBU3Mt33CONNECT WITH ANN
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December 2018