The last time I saw Nevada Kane, I was seventeen and he was loading his things into the back of his truck, about to embark on a fourteen-hour drive to the only college that offered him a full ride to play basketball. I told him I’d wait for him. He promised to do the same. But life happened. I broke my promise long before he ever broke his. And not because I wanted to. We never saw each other again … Until ten years later when Nevada unexpectedly returned to our hometown after an abrupt retirement from his professional basketball career. Suddenly he was everywhere, always staring through me with that brooding gaze, never returning my smiles or “hellos.” Over the years, I’d heard that he’d changed. And that despite his multi-million dollar contracts and rampant success, life hadn’t been so kind to him. He was a widower. And a single father. And rumor had it, he’d spent his last ten years trying to forget me, refusing to so much as breathe my name … hating me. But just like a rebound, he’s back. And I have to believe everything happens for a reason.
Chapter One
Yardley Devereaux, age 16 I don't belong here. I realize being the new kid makes people give you a second look, but I don't think it should give them permission to stare at you like you have a second head growing out of your nose. Or a monstrous zit on your chin. Or a period stain on your pants. At this point it’s all the same. Not to mention, I don't think anyone can prepare you for what it feels like to eat lunch alone, like some social reject. The smell of burnt tater tots makes my stomach churn, and the milk on my tray expires today. I'm pretty sure the “chicken patty on a bun” they gave me is nothing more than pink slime baked to a rock-hard consistency. I’m unwilling to risk chipping a tooth, so I refuse to try it. Checking my watch for the millionth time, I calculate approximately 3 1/2 hours left until I can go home and tell my parents what an amazing first day I had. That’s what they want to hear anyway. Dad moved us here from California with the promise that we were going to be richer than sin, whatever that means. But if Missouri is such a gold mine then why doesn't the rest of the world move here? So far, Lambs Grove looks like the kind of place you'd see in some independent film about a mother trying to solve her son's murder with the help of a crooked police department, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, JK Simmons, and Frances McDormand. Okay, I'm probably being dramatic. But this place is pretty lame. I miss the ocean. I miss the constant sunshine and the steady stream of seventy-five degree days. I miss the swaying palm trees. I miss my friends. Forcing your kid to move away from the town they’ve grown up in their entire life—in the middle of their sophomore—year is cruel. I don't care how rich dad says we’re going to get, I'd have rather stayed in Del Mar, driven a rusting Honda, and paid my own way through a technical college if it had meant we didn't have to move. And can we talk about my name for a second? Yardley. Everyone here has normal names. Alyssa. Monica. Taylor. Heather. Courtney. If I have to spell my name for someone one more time I’m going to scream. My mom wanted my name to be special and different because apparently she thinks I'm special and different, but naming your daughter Yardley doesn’t make her special. It just makes it so she’ll never find her name on a souvenir license plate. I’d go by my middle name if it weren’t equally as bad, but choosing between Yardley and Dove is akin to picking your own poison. Yardley Dove Devereaux. My parents are cruel. I rest my case. I pop a cold tater tot into my mouth and force myself to chew. I'll be damned if I'm that girl sitting in third block with a stomach growling so loud it drowns out the teacher. I don't need more people staring. Pulling my notebook from my messenger bag, I pretend to focus on homework despite the fact that it's the first day of spring semester and none of my teachers have assigned anything yet, but it’s better than sitting here staring at the block walls of the cafeteria like some loser. Pressing my pen into the paper, I begin to write: Monday, January 7, 2008 This day sucks. The school sucks. This town sucks. These people suck. After a minute, I toss my pen aside and exhale. “What about me? Do I suck?” A pastel peach lunch tray plops down beside me followed by a raven-haired boy with eyes like honey and a heartbreaker’s smile. My heart flutters in my chest. He's gorgeous. And I have no idea why he's sitting next to me. “Nevada.” “No. California. I’m from Del Mar,” I say, clearing my throat and sitting up straight. The boy laughs through his perfectly straight nose. I can't take my eyes off his dimpled smirk. He can’t take his eyes off me. “My name,” he says. “It's Nevada. Like the state. And you are?” “New,” I say. He laughs at me again, eyes rolling. “Obviously. What’s your name?” My cheeks warm. Apparently, I can’t human today. “Yardley.” “Yardley from California.” He says my name like he’s trying to memorize it as he studies me. I squirm, wanting to know what he’s thinking and why he’s gazing at me like I’m some kind of magnificent creature and not some circus sideshow new girl freak. “What brings you here?” He pops one of my tator tots between his full lips, grinning while he chews. Nevada doesn't look like the boys where I’m from. He doesn't sound like them either. He isn't sun kissed with windswept surfer hair. His features are darker, more mysterious. One look at this tall drink of water and I know he’s wise beyond his years. Mischievous and charismatic but also personable. He’s … everything. And he’s everything I never expected to come across in a town like this. A group of girls at the table behind us gape and gawk, whispering and nudging each other. It occurs to me then that this might be a set-up, that this beautiful boy might be talking to this awkward new girl as a dare. “Ignore them,” he says when he follows my gaze toward the plastic cheerleader squad sitting a few feet away. “They’re just jealous.” I lift a brow. “Of what?” He smirks, laughing at me like I’m supposed to ‘get it.’ “What?” I ask. If this is a joke, I want to be in on it. I refuse to add butt-of-the-joke to the list of reasons why this day can go to hell. “They’re jealous because they think I’m about to ask you out,” he says, licking his lips. Nevada hasn’t taken his eyes off me since the moment he sat down. “Should I go inform them that they have absolutely no reason to shoot daggers our way?” His expression fades. “Why would you say that?” “Because …” I laugh. “You’re not about to ask me out.” “I’m not?” I peel my gaze off of him and glance down at my untouched lunch. “Why are you doing this?” “Why am I doing what? Talking to you? Trying to get the courage to ask you on a date?” I glance up, studying his golden gaze and trying to determine if he’s being completely serious right now. “You’ve never seen me before in your life and then you just … plop down next to me and ask me on a date?” I shake my head before rising. If I have to dump my tray and hide in the bathroom until the bell rings, then so be it. “Where are you going?” My lips part. “I … I don’t know. I …” Nevada reaches for me, wrapping his hand around my wrist in a silent plea for me to stay. “Do you have a boyfriend back in California? Is that what this is about?” “What? No.” This guy is relentless. “Then go on a date with me,” he says, rising. “Friday.” “Why?” His expression fades. “Why?” The bell rings. Thank God. “I was new once. So I get it,” he says, fighting another dimpled smirk. God, I could never get tired of looking at a face like his. “And, uh … I think you’re, like, really fucking hot.” Biting my lower lip and trying my damnedest to keep a straight face, I decide I won’t be won over that easily. It takes a lot more than a sexy smile, some kind words, and a curious glint in his sunset eyes. If he truly wants me … if this isn’t a joke and he honestly thinks I’m “really fucking hot,” he’s going to have to prove it. “Bye, Nevada,” I say, gathering my things and disappearing into a crowd of students veering toward two giant trash cans. I don’t wait for him to respond and I don’t turn around, but I feel him watching me—if that’s even possible. There’s this electric energy pulsing through me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I’m not sure if it’s excitement or anticipation or the promise of hope … but I can’t deny that it’s real and it’s there. Making my way to the second floor of Lambs Grove High, I find my English Lit classroom and settle into a seat in the back. For the tiniest sliver of a second, I imagine the two of us together. We’re laughing and happy and so in love that it physically hurts—the kind of thing I’ve never had with anyone else. The tardy bell rings and a few more students shuffle in. My teacher takes roll call before beginning his lecture, but I don’t hear any of it. I can’t stop thinking about that beautiful boy. Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw is a bona fide daydream believer. She lives somewhere in the middle of the USA and can rarely be seen without her trusty Mead notebook and ultra portable laptop. When she’s not writing, she’s living the American dream with her husband, three kids, and the laziest puggle this side of the Mississippi. And if you'd like to be the first to know when a new book is coming out, please sign up for her private mailing list here --->
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Amazon US I Amazon UK I iBooks I Nook I Kobo ![]() ![]() ![]() Midnight Blue, an all-new sexy standalone from LJ Shen is available NOW!![]() Midnight Blue Author: LJ Shen Release Date: January 18th It should have been easy. I needed the money. He needed a babysitter to keep him from snorting himself to death. I was cherry-picked especially for him. Responsible. Optimistic. Warm. Innocent. The worst part is that I should have known better. Alex Winslow. British rock star. Serial heartbreaker. Casanova with whiskey eyes. “Don’t get near the devil in a leather jacket. He’ll chew you up and spit you out.” Sounds familiar? That’s because it was a headline in a tabloid the second time he got arrested. Guess what? I didn’t listen. I signed the contract. World tour. Three months. Four Continents. One hundred shows. My name is Indigo Bellamy, and I sold my soul to a tattooed god. Problem was, my soul wasn’t enough for Alex Winslow. He ended up taking my body, too. Then he took my heart. Then he took my all. Excerpt: Nat’s words came back and haunted me like a bad haircut from the eighties. An irrational need to check the goods took over me. It wasn’t like he minded. According to the rumors, his dick had seen more cameras than Kendall Jenner. Slowly—so painfully slowly—my eyes drifted down his sinewy body. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Whatever I had in mind, though, didn’t come close to the real thing. Thick, long but not atrocious. With thin veins running through its length. “Nice view?” he groaned, tucking his junk back into his briefs. His profile was glorious. Strong jaw, pouty lips, eyes like sex… My eyes snapped up when I realized he was talking to me. “I wasn’t…” “Looking? Yes, you were. Next time take a picture. It lasts longer.” He rolled his zipper upward and flushed the toilet with the toe of his boot. He turned around and squirted soap into his palm, washing his hands almost violently—rubbing between each finger and scratching his knuckles like he wanted to shed his own skin. When he was done, he looked around for a towel. I cleared my throat, scrambling to regain my wits. “Longer than the glimpse or longer than your performance?” Casually—so unbearably casually—he wiped his wet hands over my purple dress. I gasped, moving sideways. It looked like he was about to open the door and get out, but before I had the chance to yell at him for using me as a human towel, he slammed me against the wall, bracing both his arms above my head and pinning me to my spot. I let out a shriek of surprise at the sudden proximity. Alex Winslow is touching me. Willingly, my surprisingly pitiful brain squealed. Heat rolled off his body, making my back arch and my breath catch in my throat. “Let’s make one thing clear—I could fuck you to a point of numbness without even breaking a sweat if I wanted to. Now, careful, New Girl. If you don’t keep your distance from me, I think I just might.”![]() Read Today! (Free in Kindle Unlimited) Amazon US: Amazon Universal: Add to GoodReads: About LJ Shen: L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat. Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards. She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.![]() Connect with LJ Shen: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Instagram: Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
Michelle's Review
![]() My rating: 4 of 5 stars A great book! These characters, he’s broken, she’s the glue. I loved these two. I loved how funky Indie is, it’s nice to get a character who’s not the hot model type. It’s very refreshing. And Alex, he’s totally broken, troubled and a complete jerk. But that’s what we love about him. The author has given us a wonderful story full of laughs and tears. This is about finding yourself when you think all is lost and the author did a fantastic job sharing with us. You’ll definitely want to read this one. View all my reviews
THRIVE by Aly Martinez Amazon: Audible: iTunes Audio: When I was nineteen years old, I was faced with a choice that changed my life. Keep the safety of what I already knew or risk losing everything with the young, hotheaded soldier who stole my heart. I chose the wrong man, and for seventeen years, I paid in tears, blood, and shattered dreams for that decision. Now, there’s a man in my house, holding a gun to my head on the order of my ex-husband—given from his prison cell. That hotheaded soldier I was too afraid to choose? He’s now a six-foot-three wall of muscle who works at the country’s most premier bodyguard agency. I’ve always wanted him, but now, I’ve never needed him more. It’s the call I’m terrified to make. I’m sure he still hates me… Even though I’ve never stopped loving him. Add THRIVE to Goodreads:
Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children. Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, mystery leggings, and baked feta. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person. She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side. AUTHOR LINKS:Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Newsletter: Goodreads: Amazon:
Michelle's Review
![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars Exciting sexy second chance read Wonderful! I love second chance reads and Thrive is one of best ones I’ve read in a while. I fell for the guys at Guardian in the last book so I was extremely excited to read this one. Lark and Mira were friends first. She was his best friends girl but when feelings started to go beyond friendship everything changed. Misunderstandings and wrong decisions mapped out their lives and years later Mira needs Lark’s help. Thrive is exciting and yes... very sexy. There’s danger, a great story and phenomenal writing. This can be read as a stand-alone but is part of a series and I’m loving every minute of it. View all my reviews
Title: Pulse
Series: The Luminous Rock Series #1
Author: K.E. Osborn
Genre: Rockstar Romance
Release Date: January 17, 2018
![]() ![]() “I am officially hooked on this new series and cannot wait for the next book.” - Nerdy, Dirty & Flirty“KE Osborn doesn't let her readers down with this new series if this book is anything to go by!” - Robyn Corcoran“...this book captured my heart and soul from page 1 !! This was a FANTASTIC BOOK !!” - Kim (Goodreads) ![]() ![]() ![]()
Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry and get completely enveloped in the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.
Michelle's Review
![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars I love this authors past work, I have fallen in love with her stories and characters but I had a hard time with Pulse. The story was okay, i liked the whole female band thing but my main problem was the male lead character Mercs. I don’t know if he is suppose to come across as a protective alpha, to me he is a controlling jerk. Yeah he’s had issues with his past relationships but geez his words put me in mind of someone who is abusive. I did like all the girls and there are so many possibilities, I already have in my mind of who I would like to see together. The story ends with a cliffhanger and I will read the next book because I do want to know what happens. Like I said I love this author so please give this a chance and read for yourself. View all my reviews Today we have the blog tour for DIRT by Cassia Leo! Check it out and grab your copy today!Title: DIRT Author: Cassia Leo Series: Evergreen Series Release: January 12, 2018About DirtA hard-hitting, emotional new series from New York Times bestselling author Cassia Leo. Jack and I had everything. Then, in one brutal instant, the universe tilted on its side, discarding us into black nothingness. Now, I have a cocky a**hole for a husband. The only way we communicate anymore is when we’re fighting or f**king. With nothing left to lose, I write Jack a goodbye letter and head for Portland, where I quickly meet a neighbor who helps me find a job. My new neighbor—broody, tattooed ex-soldier Isaac Evans—is complicated. Nevertheless, we form a fast friendship, bonding over our mutual desire to create something beautiful from the wreckage of our lives. But despite the distance between us, Jack and I are still trying to make things work—fighting and f**king dirtier than ever. And he doesn’t appreciate my new friendship with Isaac. Not one f**king bit.Buy NowAmazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo | Google PlayPaperbackAdd the Evergreen Series to GoodreadsTrailerSpotify PlaylistAbout Cassia Leo![]() Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Website GiveawayEnter the Facebook GiveawayToday we have the blog tour for Raincheck by Marlo Lanz. Check out this new contemporary romance and grab your copy today!Title: RaincheckAuthor: Marlo LanzGenre: Contemporary RomanceAbout Raincheck:Raincheck ~ a slightly twisted, romantic story. Ty Benson is tall, dark, delicious – and done with women. As the singer for the iconic rock band Raincheck, Ty is sick of women chasing after him. He’s sworn off relationships, enjoying the simplicity that celibacy brings. Until he meets Liv Madison. She’s completely – and maddeningly - uninterested in him. And it’s seriously turning him on. Stuck together on Raincheck’s Summer Tour, Ty is trying to stay away from her. But it’s getting harder every day. Liv Madison just wants to work on her Master’s thesis and have some fun this summer. Which is the exact reason she’s tagging along as her best friend Gabe performs on Raincheck’s tour. Ty Benson, however, seems to have other plans for her. As annoying as he is gorgeous, Ty just won’t leave her alone. And it’s affecting her relationship with Gabe - in a completely unexpected way. Can Ty convince Liv to give him a chance? Or will her friendship with Gabe turn into so much more?Grab your copy today!Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indigo/ChaptersAbout Marlo Lanz:![]() Connect with Marlo:Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramEnter Marlo’s Giveaway:![]() ![]()
Michelle's review
![]() My rating: 3 of 5 stars 3.5 stars This is a new author for me and one that I will read again. Did I love Raincheck? No, but I did like it and yes I enjoyed it. I love rock star books and I really like the characters. There are so many possibilities with the supporting characters so I hope that the author shared their stories with us also. Why if I really liked it did I only give it three and a half stars? I kinda skimmed the sexy scenes, I'm not sure why they just seemed out there to me. And the story did seem to drag. I do recommend it, And will definitely read more from this author. View all my reviews Infraction, an all-new sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller Rachel Van Dyken is Available NOW!! Infraction by Rachel Van Dyken Release Date: January 9th Genre: Contemporary Romance New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken proves that everyone scores to win. But off the field, a fumble can change the entire game. Pro footballer Miller Quinton would do anything for his best friend and teammate—including “fake dating” his friend’s sister. What no one knows is that seven months ago in Vegas, Miller and Kinsey did a whole lot more than just kiss. Miller knows that this cheerleader is off-limits to him and any guy on the team. Still, he can’t stop himself. Kinsey’s whole world is on the verge of crumbling. Her dad has cancer. Her overprotective brother is falling apart. Dating Miller may be a fake-out, but he’s the one guy who can make her forget about everything—including all the reasons she stayed away from football players. With each heated moment, Miller feels more like a safe place…even though he’s not safe at all. Now temptation is testing every rule in the game of love. But how long can they go on playing when winning is a harder goal than either of them imagined? ![]() Read Today! Amazon US: Amazon UK: Add to GoodReads: Start the Series of Standalones Today! Fraternize Amazon US: Amazon UK: Add to GoodReads: Excerpt: “I didn’t say I wanted a one-night stand.” “Wow, changing your spots?” I gripped her hand; she tried to jerk it away. “What if I want two? Maybe three? What if I want four?” “Then I’d say you’re greedy.” “When it comes to you?” I growled, pulling her to her feet. “Yes.” Everyone was dancing around us but it felt like we were alone. Jax had since walked to the other side of the room. I backed Kinsey up against one of the walls, a potted plant guarded us, but not by much. “I’ll just keep asking.” “I’m not ready to move back in with my brother,” she huffed. “And if we complicate things, and it goes bad, which it will, what happens then?” “So take a risk.” “You’re asking me to trust you?” “No.” I shook my head bitterly. “In every area of your life, your safety, your happiness, your health—you can trust me. Just don’t give me your heart, not when I’m not even sure I still have mine.” She snorted. “So it’s going to be about just sex.” “Distraction from your dad, distraction from Jax, let’s call it a mutual distraction between really good friends . . . the best of friends.” I kissed her temple then snaked my hand around her rib cage, lightly tickling her skin with my fingers as I raised her shirt, my knuckles grazing her belly button as I went higher and higher until I cupped her breast. She sucked in a breath, and I moved my hand back down her stomach until I came into contact with the front of her jeans. “What are you doing?” she hissed. “Nothing,” I whispered against her ear, kissing the hollow of her neck while my hand cupped her and then lifted her hips onto my leg, bracing it against the wall. I moved just enough for her to buck against my leg, and press her hands on my chest. “Nothing at all. You get to decide what happens.” She huffed out a curse and pressed down on my leg again. “You’re a very bad friend.” “I’m the best damn friend in this room.” I kept peppering light kisses against her mouth. “Come on, Waffle, time for the syrup.” “Bad.” She rode me slow, she rode my leg hard, I imagined pulsing inside her, the walls of her body squeezing me into a slow painful death. “This is . . . so inappropriate.” “You drive a man to want a hell of a lot of inappropriate, Kins. You’ve been driving me fucking crazy for two weeks. And since it’s all about your terms, I’m giving you the keys—you know you like to drive—so give yourself a ride, sweetheart . . . take it.” I gripped her hips and guided her just enough so she could get a rhythm, then slowly scooted us into the shadow behind the plant and the chair to my right. We were hidden, but not enough that we couldn’t get caught. “I need . . .” She let out a little moan and punched me in the chest, and then gave her head a shake and started mauling me with her mouth. I grabbed her hips, slamming her tight little body against mine, and she climbed all over me, her body meeting my thrusts like we were two horny teenagers skipping class. It felt so good, I was seconds away from getting her naked against the wall. She slowed her movements, arching against my leg, then pressed her palm to my dick; the touch set me off so hard that I drew blood against my bottom lip.Meet the Author: Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor. She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers! Connect with the Author: Facebook: Website: Newsletter: Instagram: Twitter: Amazon: Goodreads: Rachel's Rockin' Readers: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
“Where the fuck is the baby?” He kept his voice controlled, knowing the pup was safe and sound with Danielle—for now. Kal tried in vain to keep his voice down so their neighbors couldn’t overhear their conversation. As it stood, he still wasn’t sure how he felt about Keeley. Well, he did, but acknowledging the mating and participating in it were two totally different things. Right now, they didn’t need any extra headaches. However, he had a sneaky suspicion he was in over his head and he was too stupid, or ignorant, to admit it. “He’s with Danielle.” Caden shrugged, moving around his brother. “The boy was in his pup form when I got him. I couldn’t take him to a hospital and you know if I took him to a vet—which there isn’t one in a twenty-mile radius—they would have freaked out if he spontaneously shifted. So, I brought him back here.” “You don’t think the girl will freak the fuck out when he spontaneously shifts, Caden?” Kal couldn’t believe what his brother said. “No,” he answered plainly. “No?” Kalkin snorted. “I have got to hear this explanation. Come on, lay it on me. Tell me, ‘oh smart one,’ why she won’t freak the fuck out when the baby shifts.” “She’s not normal either.” A slow small crossed his brother’s lips. “She got this…thing. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone about it, but bro. She’s special.” “Great. Fan-fucking-tastic. So, she could have a serious case of gas, but she’s special.” Wow, he knew his brother could be stupid sometimes, but this was a colossal fuck up. It ranked right up there with the time they were sixteen and Caden decided he was going to pull the tail of a cat shifter. The asshole ended up in bed for a week with tiger claw slashes to his side. “I’m being serious, asshole,” Caden snapped, going nose to nose with his brother. “She helped the pup more in five minutes than a hospital could in two fucking weeks. I promised her I wouldn't say what it was, but I felt her. She did something to him and he was a different pup when he woke up.” Kalkin blinked, taking in everything his brother said. A part of him wanted to believe his brother and another part of him wanted to continue to chew his ass. He also realized he should be more concerned with the pup. Kal blew out a breath and scrubbed his hand across his brow. “How bad?” “Two broken legs and some bites. Danielle thinks he’ll be fine. She wrapped the wounds and set his back legs.” He chuckled a bit. “Aiden ate up the attention when I checked on them after Mrs. Martin hooked me up with some breast milk for the boy.” Caden turned serious for a moment. “I don’t know why Tiffany had fucking pups. She couldn’t even take care of herself when we were younger. Then she goes off and gets fucking pregnant. The bitch tried to kill him!” Kalkin watched his brother pace. “Aiden is now parentless. Why? Because she doesn’t have enough fucking sense to bring all the pups to her Alpha.” Wait. “There are more?” He couldn’t believe Caden would take one and leave the others. “Why did you leave them?” “Aiden is the only one who survived.” “Fuck.” He’d have to deal with this sooner rather than later. “Do we know the father?” Caden snorted. “If I had to guess? Someone in the Quincy pack. The kid smelled of piss and shit, though, so I couldn’t be sure.” “Shit. Not what we need right now, but because you went off half-cocked, you brought shit down on our new neighbors.” Kalkin couldn’t even be angry anymore. He understood Caden’s need to protect the baby. However, it couldn’t be at the expense of two women who’d been through their own shit. “What are you going to do when Aiden shifts and is a baby?” “Well, I had been thinking about it when you pulled up to house like Billy Bad Ass. I’m going to tell her what we are.” What? “Are you fucking kidding me?” He couldn’t believe what his brother was saying. “Why?” “Tell me you aren't planning to do the same.” Caden's blue eyes swirled with intent. “Tell me you weren't going to have Keeley run with you during the full moon.” His brother had him. He had been contemplating revealing himself during the first day of the summer festival. “Shit,” he said, blowing out a frustrated breath. “This is all FUBAR.” Fucked up beyond all recognition. “Tell me about it.” “You’re part of the reason, asshole.” He turned away from his brother and caught his neighbor staring at him. “Great.” “What?” His brother stepped over to where he was standing. “Ah, shit.” There, peeking out of their window, stood Keeley, Danielle, and a very happy little boy. Shit, maybe his brother had been right. “Yeah, great fucking work, asshole. I’m betting they saw and heard everything. So much for having to explain it to them.” “Hold on. You’re assuming they heard anything. They’re completely human. They couldn’t hear a flea fart.” “I thought you said Danielle is special.” Kal cocked a brow. “Or were you blowing smoke up my ass about her?” “She is. I can assure you what I experienced when she started working with Aiden,” Caden paused. “Shit, bro. It was amazing.” “Are you sure she was touching the pup?” he quipped. “Yes, dickhead. It wasn’t sexual at all, but it had been amazing nonetheless.” Caden’s blue gaze locked with Kal’s and his demeanor turned serious. “She’s my mate.” Of all the fucking things he expected his brother to say, finding his mate hadn’t been one of them. “Shit. Are you sure?” “Oh yeah.”
![]() Amazon US I Amazon UK I Kobo I Nook I iBooks I Google-Books ![]() ![]() ![]() Grand Prize: 7’ Kindle Fire and bag 1st Prize: 1 Paperback copy of Kalkin and a bookmark 2nd Prize: 1 $10 gift card ![]() Almost doesn't count for Carter and Sophie. The second book - a standalone! - in Danielle Norman's Iron Orchids Series is AVAILABLE NOW! ![]() What are you waiting for? ONE CLICK IT! AMZ US → AMZ UK → AMZ CA → AMZ AU → ![]() BLURB: Some people are unforgettable. Like, the first sheriff that pulled you over for speeding. The first person to kiss you senseless on the hood of a car. And, the first guy to make you orgasm. But, when all of those things are from the same man; let’s just say unforgettable doesn’t even come close. I wonder if he ever thinks about me and everything we ALMOST had. Oh, he remembers and he’s prepared to put his money where his mouth is…![]() About Danielle Danielle is a Harley riding romance writer. Most days she can be found in jeans, t-shirts, and pearls (she's a lady like that). Danielle writes about men that will open the door for you during the day and throw you against them at night. She loves stories that will make you laugh and fall in love without all of the emotional baggage faced every day in our real lives. And her talent is the ability to tell the difference between a rye, wheat, corn, or potato vodka in just 1 sip, but she prefers a few glasses just to be certain.Find Danielle online! Amazon: BookBub: Goodreads: Facebook: Twitter: Website: |
January 2019