Happy Release Day to Janine Infante Bosco - Author!
Are you ready for Wolf and Maria’s story?
¸.•´✶Riding The Edge.•´✶
(A Satan’s Knights Novel)
by Janine Infante Bosco Publication Date: August 21, 2018 #RidingTheEdge #fightingstrong #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense .•´✶Get Yours Today!¸.•´✶
Riding The Edge
Add to #Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2KAukjW
Cover Designer: JB's Cover Obsession Design Models: Darrin James Dedmon and Michelle Lynn McLeod
Photographer: JW Photography
#RidingTheEdge #fightingstrong #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, something extraordinary comes along that knocks you on your ass...
I’m a simple man with simple values. You either love me or you hate me, but the ones who need me, always got me. I’m the self-proclaimed Wolf of the Satan’s Knights MC, the beast who will fight his way out of any dark alley to defend your honor. The brother you call upon when you’ve lost your faith in humanity. However, secrets and lies are the cancer of a man’s soul. Exposed, they will eat away all that is good and leave nothing but destruction in their wake. They’ll prove the best intentions sometimes fail and leave you questioning your life’s choices. Now, searching for a purpose, I find myself facing the ride of my existence with a woman just as jaded as me. As she fights the biggest battle of her life, I want to be the man who stands by her side. The man who ain’t afraid to ride the edge of misery because he knows there is something beautiful on the other side…
I’ve prevailed against the mob, a deadbeat ex-husband and the woes of being a single mother. While someone else may have wished for a different life, I believe I’m stronger for everything I’ve endured. I’m someone who speaks her mind and fights for what is right. A woman who will smack you upside the head with a frying pan and ask questions later. Terrified of love, I’m an otherwise fearless woman. Until a doctor solemnly diagnoses me and my strength falters. Now as fear engulfs me, an unexpected man dressed in leather, holds out his hand. As a woman who never needed anyone, I suddenly need him. His assurance. His strength. His love
***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. Not recommended for people under the age of 18***
Riding the Edge (A Satan’s Knights Novel) © Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved by Janine Infante Bosco. I was having an out of body experience. That’s the only logical explanation as to why I was lying in bed with Al, eating Chinese food out of paper cartons. I didn’t even argue when he suggested we nix the silverware and try our luck with chopsticks. Of course, I was worried about staining the sheets—duck sauce is a bitch to get out, but I bit my tongue and threw caution to the wind. In theory, I suppose it’s a greater expense to live with regrets than to buy a new set of ivory sheets. Everyone should have one messy meal in their bed with an incredibly sexy man. Put that on your bucket list and make sure you check it off. I promise it’ll be worth it. “What are you thinking about?” he asks, drawing my attention to him. Sprawled out on my bed, with his back propped against the headboard, I stare at him and marvel over how he fits. Tattoos, beard and all, he belongs right here with me, lounging against my satin sheets, plucking General Tso’s chicken from a takeaway carton. “You’re breaking all my rules,” I say finally, lifting my eyes to his. “Rules are meant to be broken, Lady,” he points out, popping the piece of chicken into his mouth. “Yeah, I guess they are,” I agree, taking a bite of my egg roll. If you’re going to live it up and eat in bed, you might as well eat one of the messiest foods. “I have to head out soon,” he begins, placing the carton on the nightstand. “Got some shit with my kid I need to deal with,” he grunts, looking off into space. Though his beard covers most of his face, I can still make out the twitch in his jaw. “Is everything okay?” “Nico’s decided he’s going to join a club.” “I’m going to assume he’s not joining Oprah’s book club.” He snaps his eyes back to me and I shrug innocently, taking another bite of my egg eggroll. “Nice to see you feeling better,” he mumbles. With my mouthful, I can’t help but laugh as he winds a strand of my hair around his finger. “To answer your question, no; Nico’s not looking to join Oprah on her crusade to recruit readers around the globe.” Bypassing the fact I’m super impressed he knows anything at all about Oprah and her international book club, I focus on what he’s sharing. “Well, if he’s going to join a club wouldn’t it make sense for it to be the Satan’s Knights?” “He’s not joining shit,” he growls. “I didn’t spend his whole life keeping my distance just so he can follow in my footsteps, anyway.” “You sound like you have regrets.” “Don’t we all?” he replies, releasing the piece of hair he was toying with. “It comes with the sentence.” “I suppose but if we learn from our regrets doesn’t that change the game?” “Sometimes we wake up too late,” he says, tucking my hair behind my ear. “You learn from yours, Lady?” “I like to think so,” I reply, contemplating if there is truth to my answer. If I look back on my regrets, I’d say choosing bad men is at the top of the list. I’d like to say I broke the cycle after my husband but through the years, I’ve repeated the same mistake. I gave my time to men who were undeserving. I trusted the untrustworthy and fell for the ones I always thought I could fix. It wasn’t until recently that I realized my worth. Anthony thinks I allowed Lenny to take advantage of me. He thinks I lent him that money because I was blinded by love. He doesn’t know Lenny didn’t ask for the money or that I gave the money with no intention of ever being paid. Lenny’s son was an addict and he couldn’t afford to help him into rehab. It didn’t matter that we dated a while back that had nothing to do with why I helped him. I did it because if it was me in that situation, I would want someone to show me the same kindness. “Name one,” Al challenges. “I’m not the first woman to love a bad man once or twice in a lifetime but, I learned I can’t fix the broken,” I admit, cocking my head to the side. A smile spreads across my lips as I stare at him. “And, I’m better for it.” “That right?” he murmurs. His gaze falls to my lips. “How do you figure?” “Well for one, it makes it easy to appreciate the good man sitting next to me now.” “I’m not a good man, Lady.” “Don’t short yourself, Al,” I whisper. “You wouldn’t be here with me if you weren’t.” “Then, maybe I’m better for it too,” he says. Touching his large hand to my cheek, he brings me closer to him and presses his lips to mine. As brief of a kiss as it is, there’s power behind it. It consumes my mind, body, and soul and when it’s over when his mouth leaves mine, I feel the loss in my bones. Never… Never in my life have I felt that. I should probably add that to my list of regrets, but I suppose it’s better to feel something late in life, than to never feel it at all. Suddenly, the air becomes thick and I find myself needing to change the subject. I place the half-eaten egg roll in the wrapper and drop it on the nightstand. Taking a paper towel, I wipe my hands and turn back to Al. “What are you going to do about Nico?” “What I do best,” he answers vaguely. Stretching his arms over his head, he tosses his legs over the side of the mattress. “I’m going to clean this mess and get a move on. I’ll grab your car first.” “It’s okay, I can get it tomorrow on my way to work.” “Didn’t I tell you back at the hospital that I’d handle your car?” “Well, yes but—” “But, nothing. When I say I’m going to do something, Lady, I do it.” Have I mentioned, he always needs to have the last word—I bet that’s another reason they call him Wolf. He’s also very attentive—something, I never quite pegged him to be. Collecting the remnants of our meal, he shoves everything into the delivery bag until there is no trace of our scandalous bed-eating. He moves to my side and glances at my chest. After he dressed me in my nightgown and gave me a bag of frozen peas to put on my breast, neither of us mentioned the biopsy or the meltdown that occurred afterward. I was beginning to realize Al was my favorite distraction and quite possibly the best medicine for a woman in my situation. Another scary thought for someone
as jaded as me.
“Do you need anything before I go?” “No,” I say with a smile. “You’re off duty,” I tease. His lips work into a thin line as he crosses his arms against his chest. “You’re not a job, Maria.” “I know that,” I say softly. “All I meant is that you’ve been great today. You gave me everything I needed without me even knowing I needed it.” Reaching behind him, he cups the back of his neck and nods uncomfortably. “I haven’t asked questions because I don’t want to make you upset,” he reveals, meeting my gaze. “That don’t mean I don’t got any.” “I told you everything I know.” “Right,” he nods again. Cocking his head to the side, he blows out a ragged breath. “I know this thing between us is new and unexpected but like I said before, I’m here. Whether you need a partner or a friend, I’ll be here if it’s nothing and I’ll be here if it’s something.” “A partner?” “I don’t know why you date at forty-eight years old but, I know why I do.” “Al,” I whisper, pausing. “I’m too old for a fairytale.” “Don’t know if you’ve taken a good look at me, darlin’, but I’m not exactly prince-fucking-charming,” he replies, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. “We both got busy lives and misfits for kids…” Drawing my hand to my face, I cover my mouth and mask the smile. “But you give this thing between us a shot and I promise you won’t regret it. You’ll never doubt we were worth the wait,” he murmurs. “You sound sure of yourself.” “The first draft of anything is usually shit,” he replies, taking my hand. Lacing our fingers together, he dips his head and brushes his lips over my knuckles. “Turns out, I learned from my regrets too, Lady. I’m ready to write one fuck of an ending on this story.”
Signed paperback from author, Janine Infante Bosco and cover models, Darrin Dedmon & Michelle McLeod.
Plus an Amazon gift card!
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.•´✶Meet and Greet.•´✶
Come meet Author, Janine Infante Bosco and models, Darrin James Dedmon (“Wolf”) and Michelle Lynn McLeod (“Maria”) "Tempted & Tantalizing Author Event" in Staten Island, New York this October!
For further information visit http://TNTNYC18.weebly.com/tickets.html
Check out the link below to purchase the exclusive Ride Or Die: A #TNTNYC18 Collaboration
Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.
Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janineboscoauthor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco
Janine’s Land of Temptations Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1730045370558131/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/ Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3 Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4 Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM Book Bub Author Profile: http://bit.ly/2kXDpo1
Happy Release Day to Janine Infante Bosco - Author!
Are you ready to ride with Bas & Mac?
¸.•´✶The Devil Don’t Sleep.•´✶
(A Satan’s Knights Novel)
by Janine Infante Bosco
Publication Date: June 28, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense
#TheDevilDontSleep #BringtheBas #JoeAdams #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco
.•´✶Grab your copy today!¸.•´✶
The Devil Don’t Sleep
Buy Links
US: https://amzn.to/2JfytsZ
CA: https://amzn.to/2L9joqa
AU: https://amzn.to/2kAAgen
UK: https://amzn.to/2H4WQ7P
Add to #Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2J1J5bC
Cover Designer: JB's Cover Obsession Design
Model: Joe Adams
Talent agent: PTS - Pathways Talent Services
Photographer: FuriousFotog
#TheDevilDontSleep #BringtheBas #JoeAdams #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco
.•´✶Blurb ¸.•´✶ Sometimes we must let go of what was, appreciate what remains and fearlessly embrace what comes next. Sebastian “Bas” Born to a family of outlaws, I was destined to ride with, the Satan’s Knights MC. With mayhem, and havoc in my blood and chaos living deep in my soul, I learned the Devil don't sleep. You never hear him creeping and he often comes disguised as everything you ever wanted. I was just a teenager when she first showed, masquerading as the girl of my dreams. A whiskey shootin' spitfire who knocked me on my ass and helped me turn the town upside down. The girl who stole my heart with her smile and never gave it back. The same bitch who ruined me and turned my blood to ice. It's been six years since I turned my back on Mac, my family and my club. I've pushed her to the back of my head, wrote everyone off and damned the Kentucky charter to hell. But, where God built a church, the Devil built a chapel. Now, her life is on the line and it's clear I'm still a sucker for her gorgeous chaos because I'm the one riding to her rescue. Mackenzie “Mac” I often dreamed of what it would be like to stare into Bas' blue eyes again. To hear his raspy voice, whisper his love for me and feel his strong arms around me. After all, it's always been in his embrace that I felt the safest. In my dreams, he abolishes my sins and forgives me for breaking both our hearts. But this is no dream. I'm running from a nightmare and the one running with me, looks at me with enough anger to burn the world to ash. Once upon a time, we were in love. Once upon a time, it was us against the world. Once upon a time, he didn't look at me and see the Devil. If only he knew the truth. If only he knew the Devil was a broken angel with tattered wings. An angel who sacrificed her heart and soul for him. ***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. Not recommended for people under the age of 18***
.•´✶Release Day Excerpt The Devil Don’t Sleep¸.•´✶ (A Satan’s Knights Novel) © Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved by Janine Infante Bosco. The ride back to the house is quiet. It isn’t until we’re inside and I flick the lights on that she turns to me and finally speaks. “I’m going to bed,” she rasps. “I’d really appreciate it if you would pick up Ryder. If he asks for me just tell him I’m not feeling well.” “You ain’t going to bed and Ryder is just fine where he is,” I tell her. “What happened back there, can’t happen again.” She nods. “You’re right,” she says, pausing to swallow. I imagine her throat burns something fierce from the way she screamed at me. “It had no business happening once and it won’t happen again,” she assures me. “You were being nice,” she continues. “I let myself get carried away with the past—” “Oh, for crying out loud would you cut the bullshit?” I grind out, clenching my jaw. “Sit down, Mac.” “I told you, I want to go to bed. Please, I just want to forget this happened.” “Newsflash, baby, it don’t work that way,” I inform her, stepping closer to her. “You think I haven’t spent the last six years trying to forget? Tonight happened, and it’s just another night you and I can’t undo. Now, sit down, pour yourself a drink if you think it will help, but neither one of us are going to bed until we fucking speak our piece.” “We tried that already, and it didn’t work. It’s not going to work now either because all I see when I look at you is that woman. I know it’s not my place to be jealous—” “No, it’s not,” I interrupt, unscrewing the top of the Fireball. I’m sure there’s a bunch of fancy glasses hidden in one of these cabinets but I’m not about to leave her alone with her thoughts to go search for one. Instead, I lift the bottle to my lips and take a swig before outstretching my hand and offering it to her. When she doesn’t take it, I take another gulp. My hand tightens around the bottle as the fiery liquid slides smoothly down my throat and takes the edge off. “Let’s stop pretending Dori is the issue here,” I tell her. “Dori,” she repeats. “That’s her name.” “Mac,” I warn. There is no use in wasting time talking about a junkie who I sometimes fuck to forget the woman standing in front of me. The only reason I went to the apartment in the first place is because she told me someone had broken in. Dori knew she could’ve called to tell me she was on fire and I would’ve told her to hang up and call 9-1-1. The bitch played me. “All these years, I’ve told myself you were off living your best life. That you had moved on from us and found everything we were meant to have, with someone else. Someone who was better capable of loving you in the ways I couldn’t when it came to your lifestyle. Somebody who could fix the mess I left behind. Telling myself one thing and seeing that thing for myself…in front of my own eyes, it’s too much, Bas.” Shaking her head, she lifts her trembling hand to her mouth. “I can’t do this,” she murmurs. “Careful, Mac, you almost sound like you have regrets,” I bite back, the words bitter on my tongue. Her eyes darken as her fingers fall from her lips. “You think I don’t have regrets?” she spats in disbelief. “I loved you more than I ever thought a person could possibly love someone!” “Then why the fuck did you throw it all away?” I roar. “Because this is how I see it…I had a fucking girl in my life I loved with every fiber of my being. A fucking girl who swore to stick by my side through thick and thin. It was supposed to be you and me against the world, baby,” I say. My voice strains with emotion, causing me to pause and take a breath. “When I signed the plea deal that sent me to prison, I knew five years was a long time for us to be a part. I knew it was a lot to ask of you, but you were my Mac. If anyone could handle my obligations, it was you and you handled it like a fucking champ, showing up for every visit, writing me letters and making sure my commissary was always full. I was the envy of every fucking guy doing a bid in that shithole and counted down the days until I would be free, knowing the first fucking thing I would do was take you to City Hall and marry you.” “Stop,” she begs, tears filling her swollen eyes. I don’t stop. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Not until I know why we ended the way we did. Not until I know why she chose Junior over me. Not until I know why she lost her shit in the street. Not until I prove Ally wrong. “Then about six months before they released me, I stopped counting down. Four and a half years, I served four and a half fucking years and the last six months were the longest stretch of my life because you weren’t there. You stopped showing up, stopped taking my fucking calls. It was like you fucking died.” “I might as well have!” The girl in the street dashing in between cars is back, and she moves to stand in front of me, pounding her tiny fists against my chest. “That so?” I sneer. “You didn’t look very dead when I got home.” “Because you didn’t look me in the fucking eye, you bastard! I was begging you, pleading with you to fucking save me,” she sobs uncontrollably. Those eyes. Those honey eyes of hers. Some of the most poignant conversations of my life were the silent ones I had with that pair of eyes. They were the first place I searched because they always told her deepest secrets and her best truths. Did I really not look her in the eye? That can’t be. I remember her face. I remember the smile she gave me when I entered the door. Thinking back, it wasn’t her greatest smile and that could possibly be because I never saw it reach her eyes. It was a smile of relief. One of sorrow. I glanced down and saw her stomach. I didn’t have to look her in the eye to know why she was sorry. Juniors hands on her belly gave me the answer to a question I never bothered to ask. An answer to a truth I never searched for. A secret too dark to comprehend.
.•´✶#GIVEAWAY¸.•´✶ Janine Infante Bosco Mystery Box ($100.00 value). Giveaway direct link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6dc324a814/? Giveaway embeded code for html: a Rafflecopter giveaway .•´✶Meet and Greet.•´✶ Come meet Author, Janine Infante Bosco and model, Joe Adams at the "Tempted & Tantalizing Author Event" in Staten Island, New York this October! For further information visit http://TNTNYC18.weebly.com/tickets.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV_D-xQ1k3Y&feature=youtu.be a Rafflecopter giveaway
.•´✶ABOUT AUTHOR JANINE INFANTE BOSCO¸.•´✶ Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul. ¸.•´✶CONNECT WITH JANINE¸.•´✶ Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janineboscoauthor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco Janine’s Land of Temptations Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1730045370558131/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/ Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3 Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4 Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM Book Bub Author Profile: http://bit.ly/2kXDpo1
LONER by Janine Infante Bosco Nomad #4 Publication Date: February 25, 2018 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense It’s a lonely ride to hell! Are you ready for Linc and Kelly? Happy RELEASE Day to Janine Infante Bosco! .•´✶LONER¸.•´✶ Grab your copy now! US: http://a.co/3Fjjxu9 CA: http://a.co/dOCvRBM AU: http://amzn.to/2FsopHB UK: http://amzn.eu/9pMi3Wx Add to #Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2E3Fc3x ¸.•´✶#GIVEAWAY¸.•´✶ #Amazon #GiftCard! Enter to win Amazon gift card & Signed paperback of Loner Direct link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6dc324a811/? COVER CREDITS: Cover Designer: JB's Cover Obsession Design Model: LANCE JONES Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography Synopsis:
Linc A man who can’t visualize his future will always revert to his past. To where he came from and all the ways he failed. The murder and mayhem that changed his life and darkened his soul. The legacy of who he is will burn through his veins and ominously guide him to hell. A place where he pays not only for his sins but the sins of his father as well. A hustler by nature, a loner by choice, I am the spawn of Satan. I am Lincoln Brandt and I am the son of Cain. Kelly Reckless and rebellious, I’ve spent most of my life running away from one mistake only to chase another. At the end of my rope with nowhere left to turn, I’m about to make the biggest one of all. Face to face with the bastard who broke me, I lay it all on the line for him. My heart and my life. Heaven is overrated and the ride to Hell doesn’t have to be lonely. The stakes are high. The risk great. It’s do or die. Together we’ll ride. Forever we’ll burn. #Loner #TheRideToHell #TheNomadSeriesFinale #JanineInfanteBosco ¸.•´✶#EXCERPT¸.•´✶ LONER © Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved by Janine Infante Bosco. Standing off to the side, surrounded by Shady and Sin I finally spot him and watch as the three of them raise their shot glasses. Through the fog of smoke, I can still see him flinch as the liquor slides down his throat and the smile that appears as Sin drapes his arm around his shoulders. My stomach twists with need as I continue to stare at him. Wishing I could be next to him, craving the feel of his arms around me and his hot breath against my ear as he whispers all his filthy promises. “What’re you doing out here?” My uncle’s deep voice calls from behind, startling me. Tearing my eyes away from Linc, I turn to face him and lift my water bottle. “I was thirsty,” I lie. Lifting a glass to his lips, he narrows his eyes. My shoulders slump under his intense scrutiny and I know he sees right through me. “Get the stars out of your eyes, Kelly,” he growls, lowering the glass to his side. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I argue. With his free hand, he grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around so I’m facing the party again. “Look at him,” he demands. Stretching an arm over my shoulder, still holding the glass, he points to Linc. “You see what I see?” Swallowing the lump in my throat, I know there is no way he can possibly see Linc the way I do. He doesn’t see the parts of him that belong only to me. “He belongs to his brothers, to his club, to the reaper on his back and that’s all he’ll ever belong to,” he says. “Men like us don’t stick and the sooner you realize that the safer that young heart of yours will be.” Men like my uncle are stubborn old mules who believe everyone is cut from the same cloth and has the same beliefs. Explaining that Linc and I share a special bond would be a wasted effort and the objection sitting on my tongue fades away as Linc tries to hide his smile by swiping a hand down his face. He’s not like my uncle. He’s not like any of these guys. “Do yourself a favor and forget about him because I promise you if you don’t he will break you. It won’t be his intention and you won’t see it coming but, it will happen and the both of you will be helpless against it.” Having had enough of his brutal warning, I spin around and glare at him. “Thanks for the advice,” I mutter. Without another word, I brush past him and hurry back to my room. Once inside, I chuck the bottle of water against the wall and crawl into my bed. My head hits the pillow and I stare up at the ceiling, digesting Uncle Al’s words. As the hours pass it becomes harder for me not to believe he was right. Things are going to change for us. He will get pulled deeper into the club and the year we spent getting to this day will be a memory. A stepping stone on the path to hell. Deciding I should quit while I’m ahead, I turn on my side and reach for the light on my nightstand. As I switch it off my door opens. I smell him before I see him. Leather and whiskey mixed with the musk of his cologne. The lock slides into place and when I roll over I find Linc leaning against my door. The smile he was trying to hide earlier, shines unabashedly back at me, making him look younger. “There you are,” he says, kicking off the door. “Why are you in here?” he questions, stepping further into my room. Pushing the comforter down, I sit up and lean against the headboard. “Where else would I be?” “My room,” he replies, shrugging off his leather vest. Carefully, he drapes it over the chair in front of my desk and I watch as his eyes linger over it a moment before he turns back to me. “Our room,” he amends. The declaration that his room suddenly has become ours causes my stomach to flip as he walks around my bed. “I didn’t want to impose,” I tell him as he sinks down onto my mattress. Spreading his legs, he bends over and pulls at the laces of his moto boots. My mouth grows dry and I forget only seconds ago I was declaring him part of my past or that I spent half the night picturing him with other girls. “I saw you,” he rasps. “Standing in the hallway, I saw you.” “I went to get a drink,” I murmur. Kicking off his boots, he twists his frame to face me and rolls up his sleeves. “I saw you and all I could think of was how badly I wanted to taste your pussy again,” he says. Pulling the comforter down to my knees, his large hand grabs the inside of my thigh. “I want to eat you, feel you come on my tongue and then I want to fuck you harder than you ever imagined you could be fucked. You think you can handle that, Pinky? Can you handle me and everything I plan to do to you?” Heat pools between my legs as his hand slides further up my thigh. His thumb strokes over the soaked scrap of lace covering me and he smirks. “Thanks for leaving your panties on my lamp this morning,” he says. “You’re never getting them back.” ¸.•´✶ABOUT AUTHOR JANINE INFANTE BOSCO¸.•´✶ Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul. ¸.•´✶CONNECT WITH JANINE¸.•´✶ Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janineboscoauthor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/ Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3 Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4 Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM Book Bub Author Page: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/janine-infante-bosco DON'T MISS THE REST OF THE NOMAD SERIES. #JanineInfanteBosco #TheNomadSeries ***NOTE: ALL BOOKS IN THE NOMAD SERIES can be read as STANDALONE novels. Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, sensitive subjects, offensive language, and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up. *** 💜💋🎼🔫💜 DRIFTER BOOK #1 Amazon: US: http://amzn.to/2matn1G UK: http://amzn.to/2mauD4M AU: http://amzn.to/2neR1f9 CA: http://amzn.to/2noESDI Add to your TBR: Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2g2TDMX 💜💋🎼🔫💜 WANDERER BOOK #2 Amazon: US: http://amzn.to/2maumiv UK: http://amzn.to/2nf83da AU: http://amzn.to/2maovcX CA: http://amzn.to/2masean 💜💋🎼🔫💜 Roamer book three: US: http://a.co/5aujokX AU: http://amzn.to/2qcxdKc CA: http://a.co/dUEUtMl UK: http://amzn.eu/33RpuxU ¸.•´✶ABOUT AUTHOR JANINE INFANTE BOSCO¸.•´✶ Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul. ¸.•´✶CONNECT WITH JANINE¸.•´✶ Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janineboscoauthor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/ Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3 Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4 Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM Book Bub Author Profile: http://bit.ly/2kXDpo1 Release Blitz w/Giveaway ☠ From the Ruins ☠A Satan's Knights Novel by Janine Infante Bosco9/26/2017 FROM THE RUINS(A Satan's Knights Novel) by Janine Infante BoscoPublication Date: September 26, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense
Are you ready to get ruined with Pipe and Layla?
Happy Release Day to Janine Infante Bosco - Author!
¸.•´✶FROM THE RUINS¸.•´✶
Buy Links
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2wtQoCc
Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2u9Ugb3
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2v5M4vj
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2hvpl6W
Add to #Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2vqslHx
Cover Designer: JB's Cover Obsession Design
Model: Michael Joseph
Photographer: Reggie Deanching, R+M Photography
#FromTheRuins #GetRuined #RiseUp #SmokinPipe #SatansKnightsMC
In every man’s life there comes a day of reckoning. It’s the day darkness is exposed and sinners are punished for their trespasses.
A day when loyalty is destroyed and a man is left in ruins.
When he walks away from his club and loses his religion.
Whoever said from the ruins they will rise again never walked a mile in my shoes or the pair of red ones I was left holding.
He’s bitter, cold and angry.
He’s seen his share of heartache.
Lived through tragedy and despair.
He’s my neighbor.
The man I know should stay away from.
The man who will destroy what’s left of me if I get too close.
He’s Lee Jameson, and I’m Layla Milano.
This is our story.
The story of two people left in ruins forced to rise again.
***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. Not recommended for people under the age of 18***
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Signed paperback of From the Ruins (Signed by Janine and Michael)
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Excerpt From The Ruins © Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved by Janine Infante Bosco. Excerpt: Pipe confesses some of his truth. Sitting on the floor next to Oksana’s shoes, I reach for the bottle beside me and take a hefty swig. The liquid slides down my throat, burning my belly. I embrace the pain. I relish in it and wish for more. If I had any balls whatsoever, I’d take a knife to my own throat and feel the pain she felt when her life ended. “Hey, babe,” I mutter. “You with me today?” I ask the shoes, praying that by some miracle of God they’ll answer me. They won’t. They never do. But tonight, more than anything, more than whiskey and pain, I need her. I need to believe that she stills walks beside me every day. It doesn’t matter that she’s unseen or unheard, just as long as she’s near. It’s selfish of me to want her with me considering everything I’ve done since she’s left this earth. The booze, the nameless women, the list is fucking endless. “I forgot,” I confess as I close my eyes and take another gulp. “For a little while I forgot and it wasn’t because I was shitfaced or because I was too busy getting off to think of anything else. For the first time since you died, I distracted myself with a woman and didn’t fuck her. The shit thing is, it felt worse than sinking my dick into some faceless stranger. I came home, saw the shoes and felt guilty for playing you dirty.” Placing the bottle on the floor next to me, I lift my hands to my face and rub vigorously. “I’m losing it, Oksana,” I mutter. “I’m losing my fucking mind trying to live when all I want to do is die. What’s the point in living when everything I ever loved—you, the club, everything—is gone.” Taking a deep breath, I draw my hands away from my face and lean my head against the wall. “I forgot,” I whisper. “I forgot I had nothing because at the hardware store I was the guy who had everything. In the grocery store I was the man who had too much, and in Layla’s kitchen I was the man who wanted more.” When Layla’s friend Joey showed up and set me straight, I walked away. One glance at him and I remembered who I was and what I was worth. There is a reason men like him have everything and men like me have nothing. It’s nothing new to me. In fact, it’s something I’ve learned through the years, through the loss I’ve experienced myself and the loss I’ve witnessed through the eyes of my brothers. It’s the reason Wolf has three ex-wives and Jack buried his son. It’s the reason Riggs almost lost his woman and his child, and it’s the very reason Bones died. It’s why Blackie brings Christine flowers on a Saturday and I’m sitting here talking to a pair of shoes. It’s the choices you make when you’re young, the choices you think have no consequences. I’d be willing to bet my life that guy Joey doesn’t live with a mountain of regrets. A man like that rides on the right side of the law. He works hard for everything he has and that’s why he gets to keep it. He is rewarded for the choices he made when he was younger, when he fought against temptation and struggled instead of taking the easy way out in life. It is men like that who work a nine to five who never worry about bombs and bullets, and who live life to its fullest potential. I used to call those men pussies. But I’m the one sitting here with a half empty bottle of booze and a pair of shoes, looking for the courage to end my nightmare. The excessive knocking on the door jolts me away from my pity party and forces me onto my feet. Without wondering who it might be, I pull open the door and stare at Layla’s pretty face. Lifting the plate in her hands, she smiles warmly and a fire spreads throughout my chest. It’s the pain I’ve been looking for, the sweet satisfaction of my punishment. “Hi,” she murmurs. “You left kind of abruptly before—” “Why are you here?” I sneer, cutting her off. “Well, I thought if you couldn’t stay for dinner then I could bring dinner to you,” she explains, extending a dish toward me. She’s nice. Too fucking nice. I can’t handle nice. I can’t handle good. She made me forget today. She made me wish for more. Now I need her to remind me of the truth. I need her to lash out at me and give me the rawness of pain. I need her to prove to me I’m not worthy of her spit. I need the bitter, angry Layla who isn’t afraid to tell the guy next door he’s a bastard. “Look, lady, I fixed your fucking sink, played bitch to you and your kids all day and started the repairs on your car. Now I thought we were done for the day. What more can you possibly need from me? The roof cave in and you need some jerkoff to patch it up for you?”
Her eyes flash and her nostrils flare as she glares at me. There it is. Give it to me, killer. Show me the truth. “Have you been drinking?” she asks, clenching her teeth. “What’s it to you?” I fire back. “I ain’t on the clock again until tomorrow.” Silently, she stares at me and I figure she’s getting a glimpse of the devil until her features soften. She cocks her head to the side and the fire fades from her eyes. “What’s happening here?” she whispers. “I thought we were okay. I mean, today—” “Today, nothing. Today I fucking bent over backward and took it in the ass because I felt bad for you.” “You felt bad for me?” she repeats. Come on, give it to me. “I pitied you. Look, lady, I get it. You’re lonely. Your husband left you, probably for a woman half your age. That would explain why you’re so fucking bitter, but I’m not looking to lick your wounds and play Daddy to a bunch of brats,” I sneer. “Maybe you can get that Joey character to pity fuck you and take on your tribe.” Suddenly, she drops the plate and rears her hand back. Her palm connects with my cheek and I grin devilishly at her. Burn. Make me burn. “That the best you got, killer?” “Fuck you,” she shrieks, pushing her hair out of her face as she clenches her jaw. “Not that it is any of your fucking business but Joey is my best friend’s husband! As for my marriage, I’m the one who left. My children have one father and one mother and that’s all they’ll ever have. You ever talk about my kids like that again, so help me Jesus I will fucking gut you. And as far as looking for someone to fuck me, I have standards and a vibrator, and even if I didn’t I’m pretty sure you’d be the last man I’d want to satisfy me. I wasn’t looking for anything. I came here because you were helpful to me and my children and I wanted to return the favor but you can…” Her words trail off. “Don’t stop there,” I growl. Following her gaze, my eyes zero in on Oksana’s shoes. “Of course,” she laughs sarcastically. “I should’ve known you’d have company. You must be slacking though since there is only one pair of shoes tonight,” she shouts as she goes to reach for them. “You’re a fucking pig,” she seethes. Snapping, my control flees and I reach for her wrist. “Don’t you fucking dare,” I scold, foaming at the mouth. “Those are my wife’s shoes,” I holler as I lose my footing and stumble back. Falling on my ass, Layla pulls her hand free from me and takes a step backward. Her eyes widen and she looks appalled. “You’re married?” she asks with her voice full of disgust. “Oh my God, you’re fucking married? I didn’t think it was possible for you to be a bigger piece of shit but—” “She’s fucking dead,” I shout, unable to listen to her anymore. I thought having her tell me I was a worthless piece of garbage would make me feel better, but having her think I’ve been stepping out on my wife is too much. Call me all the names in the world, blame me for her death, but don’t tell me I wasn’t devoted to her. I’m a lot of things but I’m no fucking cheat. “Lee,” she whispers hoarsely. “Get out,” I order, combing my fingers through my hair. Angling my head back, I meet her pitiful gaze and I shake my head. “Don’t look at me like that.” “I’m sorry,” she murmurs. Instead of taking a step backward, she takes two forward and kicks away the broken plate. She bends her knees and crouches down in front of me. It’s wrong. So fucking wrong. I don’t want her pity. Fuck her and her sorrow. “Go away,” I plead. Leave me to my hell. Leave me to my grief. Leave me alone where I’m meant to be. “I didn’t know,” she explains. “It doesn’t matter,” I say, turning away from her. “Lee—” she whispers. Then I feel her. Her hand touches mine and an electric current passes from her fingertips to mine. It’s too much and I snap my hand back. My eyes find hers and the burn in my chest deepens as the tears roll down her cheeks. “Get the fuck out,” I growl. She doesn’t move for a moment before she wipes her eyes and whispers her apologies once more. Without another word, she stands, but before she turns around she glances at the shoes. The truth is in those shoes. They’re the reminder. For those red shoes don’t only symbolize the sharp knife of a short life. They prove the worse consequence of all is waking up every day in a world you’re unworthy of living in. That’s the fucking truth I forgot. The truth Layla made me forget. A truth I’m unworthy of forgetting.
#FromTheRuins #GetRuined #RiseUp #SmokinPipe #SatansKnightsMC
Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.
Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3
Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4
Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM
Book Bub Author Profile: http://bit.ly/2kXDpo1
Title: Roamer
Series: The Nomad Series
Author: Janine Infante Bosco
Genre: MC Romance/Suspense/Contemporary
Published: June 13, 2017
The first moment I stared into Ally’s tortured blue eyes, my subconscious knew I’d never escape her. She called to the darkest part of my soul and made it impossible to ignore the strange pull I felt towards her.
Some things are just meant to be.
As long as we were both breathing, my heart would do time with hers. Like the famous outlaw lovers, Bonnie and Clyde, Ally and I committed the perfect crime. I claimed her heart, and she stole mine.
I only meant to save her.
To heal her.
Now, my past threatens to ruin her.
Wanted dead or alive, I’ve got her by my side and together we’ll ride.
I thought the world forgot me.
That I had died at fourteen.
But, I never knew life until I knew him.
Rescued and healed, I found love in the face of an outlaw.
Whether he fails or flies, I’ll ride until I die.
I’m his Bonnie and he’s my Clyde.
A love as strong as ours will never die.
***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. This book deals with highly sensitive subjects, such as kidnapping and human trafficking. Please be aware of these triggers and keep them in mind while reading. Through all the sensitive subjects, the storm passes and the sky clears....there is a happily ever after waiting on the other side. ***
Red lipstick at Target - Copyright 2017 Janine Infante Bosco POV – Deuce
There are two fucking things I despise in this world. The first is admitting when I’m wrong and the second is shopping. I really fucking hate shopping. So tell me, why the fuck am I pushing a red wagon into Target? Better yet, tell me why this was my idea? Actually, I’ll give you a gold star if you can explain why I’m not bothered by it so much either?
“I thought you said we were getting food,” Ally says as we step inside a shopaholic’s mothership.
Yeah, so did I.
That was the fucking plan.
I should probably stop planning anything considering none of them seem to go accordingly. Making a note of it, I try to place where I went wrong. Sitting in my room and staring at the wall that separated Ally and I was probably it. I thought putting her in Cobra’s room was a no-brainer. She had her own space, and I had mine. There was a connecting door in case she needed anything, but other than that we could go about our business.
Yeah, not so much.
The truth was, before the fucking world flipped on its axis I was rarely ever at the motel. Other than sleeping and showering, I didn’t do much there. When I wasn’t riding or fucking my way through life, I was playing the Satan’s Knights prodigal cowboy, shooting shit and digging graves. Not one to be confined, I was climbing the four fucking walls of that room.
After Ally’s moment outside the hospital, I listened as she relived another traumatic experience. It’s one thing to assume what she’s been through but hearing her say it—shit, that left me reeling. I spent half the night wondering if she was okay or if she was reliving more agony. I could have checked in on her during the night but I was too chicken shit. Sure, I was experienced in post-traumatic stress but not Ally’s kind. I knew Stryker had suffered after the war and there were certain triggers that left it impossible to obtain peace. I feared handing that helmet to Ally had opened the door to a night full of terror and that bothered me. I didn’t want to be the one who enticed her demons to come out and play. I wanted to be the guy who gave her a reprieve from all that shit, the guy who could maybe show her there was a great big world out there waiting for her.
Like it or not, she was my responsibility now. Her well-being and her peace of mind was my newfound commitment.
That’s why I opened that door today.
That’s the fucking reason I sat on her bed and counted her freckles.
After realizing she was okay, that she was just bored, I should have left her alone and gone back to my room, but then we started to talk. Talking to Ally was an experience. Hell, you couldn’t go a moment without wondering what she was going to say next. One minute she was an ordinary woman making it easy to forget her story. The next minute she was the wounded warrior, holding onto a book of matches, fighting for the strength to overcome her past. I was getting whiplash trying to keep up.
What broke me though was when she willingly gave me more of her story. Trust isn’t something I imagine comes easy for her and knowing she trusted me enough to confide in me did something to me. It fucked with me in more ways than one. It made me want to rewrite her past. Knowing that was impossible, I did the stupidest thing I could have ever done.
I kissed her.
I fucking kissed her.
And Jesus Christ, her lips were plump and pliable—fucking perfect.
And her taste—fuck me.
Someone needs to create a word for how fucked I am.
Motherfucked isn’t cutting it anymore.
The torture didn’t stop there though.
Nope, it continued when Ally pulled out her ace.
She smiled and I folded.
Game over.
No fucking sane man could compete with that smile let alone one who had lost all his fucking logic. It was breathtaking and intoxicating all the same. Fucking captivating was what it was.
And like a fool, I wanted to see more of it.
“You need stuff, don’t you?” I ask, pushing the cart like a total jackass. Grinding my teeth, I make a turn and nearly take down the display of Goldfish crackers. Give me two wheels and I’ll make that baby purr, give me a horse and I’ll make her gallop, give me a red wagon with a bull’s-eye and I’m an imbecile.
Frustrated, I park the cart in the center of the aisle and turn to Ally.
“Take this fucking thing, please,” I grind out, taking both her hands and placing them on the handlebar. There, that’s better. Stepping away from the offensive death trap, I pull my shit together and focus.
“Coconuts,” I say finally.
“You want to buy me coconuts?” she asks, looking at me like I’ve got a third eye.
“Your hair smelled like coconuts the other night,” I clarify. “I don’t have any of that fancy shit back at the motel and I’m pretty sure your brother doesn’t either.”
“Oh,” she replies thoughtfully. “That was Reina’s.”
“Well, time to get you some of your own,” I tell her, scratching the scruff lining my jaw. Looking away, I take in the products on the shelf and pick up a toothbrush. Chucking it into the wagon, I glance back at her. “You see something you need you throw it in the wagon.”
“I’ve been shopping before, Deuce,” she says, taking the toothbrush out of the wagon. I’m about to argue with her when she grabs a green one instead. “I like this one better,” she adds, reaching for the toothpaste. She grabs two different types and studies them with deep concentration.
“What’s the difference?” she asks.
“Get both,” I reply automatically. She turns to me and I shrug my shoulders. Waiting for her to argue with me, she fools me and dumps them both in the cart. Her eyes travel the length of the aisle and she adds mouthwash, floss and some sort of whitening kit to the growing list of dental products. Once she finishes scoping out the aisle, she grabs the cart and pushes it down the next.
Following her down the aisles, I watch as she lifts things off the shelves and decides what she likes. A half hour goes by and we’re barely out of the toiletry section, not to mention the wagon is half-full.
Turning down the next aisle, she turns to me. A crease works the center of her forehead as she glances at the shelves.
“I never understood the difference,” she says, waving her hand at the condom selection. “Do you have a favorite?”
Unlike the toothpaste, I can’t tell her to grab every variety and give them a whirl, so I say nothing as she grabs a pack.
“Ribbed,” she mutters.
“Fuck,” I hiss.
“You don’t like ribbed?” she questions, lifting her gaze back to me.
“Ally,” I warn. Quickly, she glances around the store, over her shoulder and back to me.
“What? Are people looking at me? I sort of feel like they are. You know, like I’m a fish out of water?”
“They’re not looking at you,” I grind out.
“So I blend in?”
Doesn’t every girl comparing condoms fit in with the crowd at Target? Fuck my life. Man, you can’t make this shit up.
“Totally,” I say, taking the condoms out of her hand. Chucking them into the wagon, her eyes widen and she pokes a finger against my chest.
“You do like ribbed!”
Gripping the wagon with one hand, I grab her arm and lead her out of the aisle.
“I thought you said you’ve been shopping before,” I mutter.
“I have, but this is the first time ever I get to pick anything out,” she says, pushing me aside to take control of the wagon. “Rush would pick everything out, getting me stuff he liked best. I had no idea there were this many choices.”
“This store has everything, huh?” she adds as we head down the make-up aisle. I don’t say anything as she mulls over eighty-seven tubes of lipstick. Fuck, I’d buy every single one if she decided she liked them all. Then I’d kiss her like I really want to and smear those colors all over her pretty lips.
“What do you think about make-up?”
“I think it looks awful on me.”
Again, she smiles and I lean against the wagon taking it all in.
“I bet,” she replies as she dumps a few things into the wagon. “I never learned how to put it on properly. I always felt like I put so much on that at times I resembled a clown or one of those guys from that band Kiss.”
Unable to stop myself, I let out a laugh.
“What else do you need?” I ask, watching as she throws a tube of red lipstick in the wagon. My eyes dart to her lips and I imagine what they might look like painted that shade. She might not know her favorite color yet but I know now mine is undoubtedly red.
![]() ![]()
She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.
ROAMERby Janine Infante Bosco Nomad #3 Publication Date: June 13, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense, Can be read as a standalone ![]() BUY (99c for a limited time!):
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2sPBq8I
Paperback: http://amzn.to/
SYNOPSIS:Deuce: The first moment I stared into Ally’s tortured blue eyes, my subconscious knew I’d never escape her. She called to the darkest part of my soul and made it impossible to ignore the strange pull I felt towards her. Some things are just meant to be. As long as we were both breathing, my heart would do time with hers. Like the famous outlaw lovers, Bonnie and Clyde, Ally and I committed the perfect crime. I claimed her heart, and she stole mine. I only meant to save her. To heal her. Now, my past threatens to ruin her. Wanted dead or alive, I’ve got her by my side and together we’ll ride. Ally: I thought the world forgot me. That I had died at fourteen. But, I never knew life until I knew him. Rescued and healed, I found love in the face of an outlaw. Whether he fails or flies, I’ll ride until I die. I’m his Bonnie and he’s my Clyde. A love as strong as ours will never die. ***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. This book deals with sensitive subjects, such as kidnapping and human trafficking. Please be aware of these triggers and keep them in mind while reading. Through the sensitive subjects, the storm passes and the sky clears….there is a happily ever after waiting on the other side. *** #BeautifulFire
EXCERPT - "THE FIRST KISS"![]() #DeuceIsLoose
OTHER BOOKS IN THE NOMAD SERIES....![]() #SALEALERT - The first book in The Nomad Series is .99c for a limited time! Drifter – A Nomad Series Novel by Janine Infante Bosco![]() #driftintochaos #drifter #thenomadseries #FindTheBeautiful #janineinfantebosco BUY NOW:
Amazon: http://a.co/iY9G6zt
Paperback: http://amzn.to/2m9q
![]() Follow up DRIFTER with book two in The Nomad Series - WANDERER - $2.99 OR FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITED!![]() #Wanderer #thenomadseries #WanderIntoCha BUY NOW:
Amazon: http://a.co/iY9G6zt
Paperback: http://amzn.to/2m9q
WILL JANINE SEE YOU AT ANY OF THESE UPCOMING EVENTS?![]() Pre-order links for Janine's upcoming events.
July 8, Baltimore, MD
Kiss and Tell
July 29, Allentown PA
Authors, Books & Poker Chips W Nick Bennett
August 12, Las Vegas NV
Can't make a signing take advantage of these mail order specials.
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#LightItUpABOUT JANINE INFANTE BOSCOJanine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul. Website • Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest • ENTER THE GIVEAWAY![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars This series keeps getting more amazing with each book. I knew Roamer was going to gut me and boy did it ever. This is the story of Deuce and Ally and how they saved not only themselves but each other. Deuce was born in the MC lifestyle. Death and betrayal has him doing something he normally wouldn't do. Running was his only option and he made a life of doing it. Until one crazy biker helped him and forced him to settle down. Ally was kidnapped at fourteen. Being forced to live a life of horrific acts, drugs was her only way through. She experiences some terrible things that will have your heart breaking for her. She is a wonderful character who you will immediately love. These two wonderful broken characters brought so many emotions out for me. I absolutely loved this book and the writing was phenomenal. Not only did I love this book I will definitely re-read it. I loved it that much. ![]() WANDERERby Janine Infante Bosco Nomad #2 Publication Date: March 7, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense NOW AVAILABLE!99c (Release Day Only!) or #FREE with #KindleUnlimited!SYNOPSIS:Cobra I’ve lived two lives. One full of innocence and one full of sin. I mourned the perfect life I was born into and made it my duty to chase the phantom who stole it from me. Revenge, mayhem and loss are all I know. I am the lone man—I am the wanderer. The former nomad—now, Satan’s deadliest soldier. The two worlds were never supposed to collide. Innocence and sin aren’t made to coexist yet somehow my past bleeds into the present and I find myself facing my biggest regret…I find myself face to face with her—the girl who got away. The girl I let go. The woman I’ll ruin if I stay. Celeste Our young love was marred by violence. Our guilt destroyed us, fate tempted us but, it was he who broke us. They say time heals all, but all time did was dull the ache of his abandonment. Now, dressed in leather, covered in ink the boy I mourned is now a man—a man tormented by his demons. In another life we were everything to one another. In this life we’re strangers. *NOTE* Each book in the Nomad series can be read as a STANDALONE. ![]() #WANDERINTOCHAOS![]() #WANDERER - Excerpt© Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved by Janine Infante Bosco Drawing in a deep breath, I reach for the knob, twisting it until I open the door and step into dangerous terrain. Closing the door behind me I stagger into the darkness of the room, feeling along the walls as I walk further into Cobra’s territory. A waft of stale smoke assaults my senses as I glance around the small, dated room. My roaming gaze comes to a halt, landing on the man twisted in the sheets of the bed. Tucking my bottom lip between my teeth, a wave of longing washes over me as I stare at the corded muscles of his back and all the colorful tattoos that seem to take up every inch of his skin. So many colors, so much story in each piece. As I gravitate toward the bed the urge to trace every single one consumes me. It’s not the promise of the man I’m hooked on. It’s the man. It’s this incredibly mysterious man that I used to know. “I’m not dreaming,” he mumbles into the pillow, startling me. My knees touch the edge of his bed as his thick, raspy voice blankets me and sends a shiver up my spine. It’s not new—that voice was there years ago too. It’s the voice of sex, of carnal pleasure and the promise of bliss. It’s predatory, feral and so damn tempting. “No you’re not.” The words are a breathy whisper, a tone he’ll recognize. One that is as sinful as his. We’re in trouble. So much fucking trouble. His head slowly rises from between the pillows and his eyes slice to me, squinting as if he’s witnessing a mirage. “Feel you in my bones, Cel,” he explains huskily before dropping his face into his pillow. “I’m sorry, Deuce let me in. I could go, maybe—” He rolls over on his side, the sheets twist at his waist, leaving very little to the imagination as his eyes skate over me. “Don’t know why you’re here, don’t care too much either, but thankful as fuck for whatever brought you here, gorgeous,” he says, a lazy smirk tipping his lips as he extends a hand. “Get over here,” he demands. I should have been prepared. I should have known that a higher force always has a plan for us. I should have been stronger. I should have known he’d hook me with a look and I’d crawl into bed with him. I should have known old habits are hard to break. I should have known old loves never die.#THENOMADSERIESDON'T MISS THE BIKER FULL OF DIRTY PROMISES! GRAB YOUR COPY OF #DRIFTER, BOOK #1 IN THE NOMAD SERIES!AVAILABLE #FREE with #KINDLEUNLIMITED!SYNOPSIS:
I’m a drifter. A man born to ride through this world alone. There used to be a time when I thought I was the rescuing type. I enlisted in the Marines and made it my duty—I was going to save lives. I was going to be a true American hero. But God had another plan. Or maybe Satan did. For everything I touch finds mortality. I’m no hero. I’m nothing. I’m a veteran biker, a former nomad who survived war only to live in hell. Now I ride with the Satan’s Knights of Brooklyn and I’m drifting into a different kind of chaos. The kind that revolves around a pretty girl with intoxicating green eyes. A girl who has the power to turn me inside out. A girl who doesn’t need anyone to rescue her because she’s her own savior. Until she’s not. But a man plagued by war and the devil inside him can never be her hero.
Gina Spinelli Strong. Independent. Fierce. They are the three things I strived to be. But sometimes being successful can be lonely. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a girl and have someone take care of her. Maybe even love her. Sometimes the strong become vulnerable. Or worse, the victor becomes the victim. Sometimes we lose control or in my case it’s stripped from you. Defeated. Broken. Haunted. They are the three things I have become. In my darkest hour I admit defeat. In my darkest hour I need one person. I need him. Stryker. ***NOTE: DRIFTER is a STANDALONE novel. Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, sensitive subjects, offensive language, and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up. *** #DRIFTINGINTOCHAOSABOUT JANINE INFANTE BOSCOJanine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.Website • Facebook • Twitter • ENTER THE GIVEAWAYDRIFTERby Janine Infante Bosco Nomad Series #1 Publication Date: November 8, 2016 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic SuspenseDRIFTER BUY LINKS!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2efASR3
iBooks: http://apple.co/
Synopsis: “Stryker”
I’m a drifter. A man born to ride through this world alone. There used to be a time when I thought I was the rescuing type. I enlisted in the Marines and made it my duty—I was going to save lives. I was going to be a true American hero. But God had another plan. Or maybe Satan did. For everything I touch finds mortality. I’m no hero. I’m nothing. I’m a veteran biker, a former nomad who survived war only to live in hell. Now I ride with the Satan’s Knights of Brooklyn and I’m drifting into a different kind of chaos. The kind that revolves around a pretty girl with intoxicating green eyes. A girl who has the power to turn me inside out. A girl who doesn’t need anyone to rescue her because she’s her own savior. Until she’s not. But a man plagued by war and the devil inside him can never be her hero.
Gina Spinelli Strong. Independent. Fierce. They are the three things I strived to be. But sometimes being successful can be lonely. Sometimes a girl just wants to be a girl and have someone take care of her. Maybe even love her. Sometimes the strong become vulnerable. Or worse, the victor becomes the victim. Sometimes we lose control or in my case it’s stripped from you. Defeated. Broken. Haunted. They are the three things I have become. In my darkest hour I admit defeat. In my darkest hour I need one person. I need him. Stryker. ***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, sensitive subjects, offensive language, and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up. ***
![]() ![]() Come Meet Author Janine Infante Bosco & Model Matthew Hosea at "Authors In The City" 3.11.17 in Raleigh, NC!![]() ![]() #THENOMADSERIESEXCERPT - The Morning AfterNot giving a flying fuck if they kill one another, I leave the two criminals in the living room to duke it out over who has a bigger rap sheet and head straight for my Keurig. They can pull out their dicks and measure them against the wall for all I care—I’ve had enough of the A&E documentary my life has become. What happened to the normal dating scene? Where a relationship progresses over candlelit dinners, great sex and nights spent watching movies on the couch. Not where the guy you’ve technically never even been on a date with decides he’s going to be your bodyguard because your brother wants to play Al Capone. Rocco leaves, slamming the door behind him as I take two mugs out of cabinet and fill them with coffee. Turning around, I push one mug across the breakfast nook and lift my gaze to criminal number one. “So that just happened,” I say, bringing the mug to my lips. “Great way to start the day.” “I disagree. My day started pretty fucking good since I woke up with you all over me,” he replies, taking the cup I offered him. “Then your brother showed up, and I thought he was your boyfriend.” “Well, you think very highly of me,” I mutter, setting my mug on the counter before bracing my hands against the granite. “C’mon, that’s not what I meant,” he argues, flashing me a smile. “We don’t know each other very well.” “Well, that’s about to change isn’t it?” “I suppose it is. It also seems like you were right about meeting that night in the restaurant. Looks to me like you and I were at the right place at exactly the right time,” he points out, raising an eyebrow. “Watch it, Stryker…you’re starting to sound like a hopeless romantic,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes for good measure. I nearly spit my coffee out when his eyebrows shoot up to the top of his bald head. “Relax, Romeo. I don’t fall easily,” I assure him, crossing my arms against my chest as I chew on my lip and watch him sigh in a relief. Men are such pussies when it comes to love. And the ones who aren’t are the ones a girl like me never finds. “How’s this going to work? If you plan on moving in with me I’m telling you now, I’m not giving up my closet space,” I warn. “Not a problem, all my shit blew up yesterday remember?” I wince. “Sorry that was insensitive of me,” I reply. He shakes his head as he sets the coffee mug on the counter but continues to hold onto it. “I’m not moving in, pretty girl. The clubhouse might be in ruins but my home is with my brothers, with my club. Where that is? I’m not sure yet,” he says, then pauses for a moment and rubs his free hand over his head. “Do you have work today?” “It’s Sunday,” I tell him. “Okay, so then tomorrow we’ll start a routine. I’ll take you to work in the morning, check out the area so I know your surroundings and when you’re done, I’ll pick you up. I should have a phone by the end of the day so if you need me during work hours I’ll just be a phone call away. I’m going to need your brother’s number too, in case of anything.” “You have it all figured out,” I reply, not even bothering to hide the surprise in my voice. “Nah, I fake it well though don’t I?” “Extremely. What happens after work?” He cocks his head, pretending to be thinking but I see the smirk he’s trying to hide and the mischievous look in his brown eyes. “Well, a man’s gotta eat,” he says. “Yeah, I rarely cook,” I reply. “I wasn’t talking about food, pretty girl.” And there it is. My cheeks turn cherry red as he wiggles his eyebrows and laughs. “No comment,” I huff. “Red looks good on you.” The laughter dies on his lips as does the playful banter and all that’s left is the live wires of electricity sizzling between us. I lied. If he keeps looking at me like that I’m going to most definitely fall for him. I’m fucked. Clearing my throat, I change the subject in an attempt to resurrect that playfulness I’m starting to crave. “So, were you ever going to tell me you were in jail?” “No.” “Well, now that I know are you going to tell me why you were?” He brings the coffee mug back to his lips, hiding his smile before he takes a sip. I raise an eyebrow expectantly as he shrugs his shoulders and places the mug on the counter. “I’ve got a thing for bologna and cheese,” he finally answers with a smirk. Bastard. “Good,” I tell him, spinning around to drop my empty mug in the sink before I glance over my shoulder at him and smile sweetly. “That’s what we’re having for dinner.” “Well played, pretty girl,” he laughs, stepping around the breakfast nook. “You know…” He starts as he comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and his hands toy with the belt of my robe, wrapping the end around his wrist. “I’m starting to get hungry,” he whispers against my ear. “There are eggs in the fridge,” I mumble. “I don’t want eggs, Gina.” He yanks his wrist back and my robe becomes undone. His other hand moves from my waist and slips between the folds of my robe, spreading it open and exposing my body to his touch. My body melts into his as his fingers glide over my stomach, circling my belly button before inching lower and lower until his fingers are right where I want them.![]() #DRIFTINGINTOCHAOS#FINDTHEBEAUTIFULJust for fun after you've read Drifter and you have found the beautiful in their story take a selfie and tag me! Use hashtag #FindTheBeautiful.-Author Janine Infante BoscoABOUT JANINE INFANTE BOSCOJanine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.Website • Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest • ENTER THE GIVEAWAY![]() Purchase (#FREE with #KindleUnlimited): Amazon | PaperbackSynopsis: BLACKIE My name is Blackie, I’m the vice president of the Satan’s Knights MC and I’m an addict. I’ve been trading one addiction for another for as long as I can remember. I make no apologies for my addictions, nor do I try to hide them. Until my latest addiction threatens to destroy not just me but her. For the first time I want to fight the need and not gravitate towards it. I try to deny it and not succumb to it but I’m a prisoner to her purity. I’m Satan’s soldier, a demon dressed in leather. She’s an angel, innocent and full of light, she’s my lace. Leather. Lace. Me. Her. A temptation so lethal neither of us may survive but, every demon craves an angel. Guide me to the light. Take me from the dark. Give me back my life. Let me share yours. They are the selfish words of an addict and they are my truth. LACEY PARRISH My name is Lacey Parrish and I have a secret, one I’ve tried to deny for a long time, one I’ve tried to spare the world from. I am a manic-depressive. Just like my dad. Some days I’m high on life. Most days I try to escape it. People think they know me, they think they see me but the truth is no one knows who I really am. No one sees the real me… a broken girl with a mind that betrays her. Except Blackie. He’s my savior, the man who silences my maker. He’s my knight in shining armor, the man who puts my life before his. He’s my leather and I’m his lace. Two broken souls that have the power to heal one another. This is our story, an unapologetic tale full of temptations. A love story called Leather and Lace. EXCERPT - BEAUTIFUL LACEI stopped off at a bodega on a corner and bought three colorful bouquets of flowers, dropped them in my saddlebags and took off to Fort Hamilton. I dreaded seeing the dead flowers at Christine’s grave and prepared myself for the guilt that would surface when I saw her name carved into the tombstone. I parked my bike off to the side and killed the engine, grabbing the flowers as I climbed the hill. Nothing could’ve prepared me for what I saw next. Nothing. I blinked to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating but as I approached Christine’s grave there was no denying the beauty kneeling before the tombstone was real. Live and in the flesh. My beautiful Lace knelt before my wife’s grave, re-arranging a fresh bouquet. My past met my present and for a second I wished for a future. Beside her laid a wilted bouquet of flowers, one I hadn’t brought there either. “Hi, it’s me again,” Lacey said, as she leaned back tucking her haunches beneath her ass. “He’ll be back soon,” she promised before her voice trailed off and the only sound became the wind blowing through the trees. “I remember you,” she said finally. “Not much, but I remember you. I was just a kid when you first came around with Blackie and well, I sort of hated you. No, that sounds horrible,” she amended. “I was envious of you. That doesn’t sound much better but it's true. I remember thinking you were pretty but then I saw him look at you and knew that wasn’t the right word to describe you. In a world full of ugly you were his beautiful. You and Blackie, it’s like you were the definition behind that saying beauty is in the eyes of the beholder because as pretty as everyone thought you were, they knew true beauty when they looked at him and watched him stare at you. You were the beautiful reflection in his eyes…the woman who made him smile. Even now that you’re gone I still envy you but I’m not sure what it is I wish for more…. for him to look at me like he used to look at you or for me to be the one that brings back that smile.” I had no words. None. She was sitting here talking to my wife, confessing her feelings for me, and I stood there invading her privacy. I should’ve made my presence known, but I remained perfectly still as my heart broke for the woman I lost and began to mend because of the girl who brought her flowers. She blew out a breath and slowly stood up, brushing dirt from her legs. “Anyway, I’m going to get going but before I do, since this will be my last visit, I wanted to ask a favor. I’m not real religious and I know I’m probably just sitting here talking to a stone but just in case the afterlife really exists, can you look out for him? I mean I know you do already. Of course you do, you’re his wife…but still, he needs an angel to watch over him,” she whispered. “Who better than you?” You. She turned around, and I silently thanked God for the sunglasses that shielded my eyes as I stared at her. Her cheeks turned red as I extended my free hand and took hers. “How long have you been standing there?” She asked, glancing down at our joined hands. “Long enough,” I said huskily, pulling her closer. “Lace.” I glanced down at the flowers she had brought and then lifted my eyes back to hers. “You brought her flowers,” I stated. “I can explain,” she started. “Just today?” “No, since you’ve been in the hospital,” she explained. “I haven’t missed a Saturday,” she whispered. I released her hand as I stared back at her for a moment then placed the flowers I was holding on top of the headstone. I ran my fingers through my hair as I paced the small area in front of Christine’s grave. “Blackie— “ I turned to her. “How’d you know?” “About a year ago, me and my dad came to visit my brother’s grave, and we saw your bike. He told me you come here every Saturday and bring her flowers,” she swallowed. “I just figured— “ “Thank you,” I cut her off, closing the distance between us and wrapping my arms around her, bringing her against my chest I bent my head, pressing my lips to her head. “Thank you,” I repeated, murmuring the words into her hair. “You’re welcome,” she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.![]() ![]() MEET “BLACKIE” aka #NickBennett![]()
“Blackie” (model Nick Bennett) will be signing at The Tempted and Tantalizing Author Event in Staten Island, NY on 9-30-2017.
Stay tuned for more information on ticket sales, attending authors, VIP offers and much more.
Like the #TNTNYC17 Facebook page to keep up on the current information about the event.
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#LACEYPARRISH#BlackiesComingForYou#STAYTEMPTED DON’T MISS THE FIRST 4 BOOKS IN THE #TEMPTEDSERIES!![]() #FREE with #KINDLEUNLIMITED: Amazon![]() ABOUT JANINE INFANTE BOSCO![]() Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself. She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul. Website • Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest •GIVEAWAY![]() ![]() |
January 2019