My son is my life. Nothing on earth matters but him.
Soon, I’ll have to send him out into society. The cruel machine that gnashes innocence and spits out the hollowed remains of a child’s imagination. It’s a place I know all too well, considering my past. I’ve worked hard to separate myself from it, but it looms in the back of my mind—waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
My son, Logan, wants to have birthday parties, make friends, play at the park—all the normal things that seven-year olds want to do. All the things I want to do with him.
I’ve put up walls around our life to shield us from danger. Giant barriers to ward off possible threats.
Cora Chapman crashes through them like a wrecking ball. She’s intelligent and hilarious with soft curves and a spark that ignites a flame deep inside of me.
There’s only one problem—she’s Logan’s teacher.
When my past wraps its tentacles around my throat and threatens to strangle the breath from my lungs, I’m given an option—fight for my family’s freedom, or die as they’re stripped away from me.
I can’t lose. I won’t lose.
My name is Landon Lane and I am a warrior.
The door at the entrance to the school, down at the end of the hallway, slammed shut like a shotgun had fired. I jolted and tried to catch my breath. Logan grinned a little wider, which still wasn’t much.
“This place is so loud.” I inhaled a deep breath and brushed off my own embarrassment. Anything was worth it to set him at ease a little.
Footsteps pounded in my ears as whoever came through the door approached in a hurry.
Logan’s head tilted up and he leaped from his seat. I barely leaned out of his way in time. He took off in a dead sprint. My head craned around to the man’s shoes first—ordinary Nike cross trainers. Nothing special.
But the way they traversed the ground—Montague soles pounded the Capulet tiles.
My gaze roamed to the jeans—Levi’s, boot-cut, regular denim, frayed at the seams—worked in and worn.
My stare tilted up and drank the scenery. A charcoal-gray hood dipped down and cast a shadow over his eyes.
A breath cut too short and some sound I’d never made in my life escaped my lungs and dissolved into the tension saturating the room.
Logan’s father (I assumed) dropped to a knee, and Logan sprinted straight into his massive arms. His hoodie remained pulled up over his head. It’d probably been to shield him from the rain outside. I’d never seen Logan move so fast. He disappeared into the giant thunderhead biceps that engulfed him in a hug.
“I didn’t do anything wrong.” Logan sobbed into the man’s shoulder.
A giant hand wrapped around the back of his head and pulled him in tight. The hood dipped down and nuzzled up next to his cheek then turned and whispered in his ear.
I stood up about twenty feet away and noticed myself leaning toward them, trying to get a better view or hear what was said. I’d only met an older woman named Janet who usually brought Logan to and from school. She rarely spoke to anyone, but she was always polite.
“How long are they going to make us wait in here? Jesus Christ!” Charles Hastings’ voice roared once again from the office. Principal Williams was still nowhere to be found.
The hood-covered head popped up and turned in the direction of the words, but I still couldn’t make out his eyes.
God, what I would have given for a peek at his face.
The dark shadow under the hood turned to me. My heart threatened to explode out of my chest and my lungs stopped functioning. I still couldn’t see his eyes, couldn’t see his stare. Somehow, he managed to make my palms sweat. My palms never sweat.
Why’s he staring at me?
“Fucking ridiculous!”
My head whipped to the door.
I inhaled a deep breath and stomped toward the office. I’d learned long ago that if I didn’t set a certain tone with unruly parents they’d walk all over me.
Throwing the door open, I glared at the short balding man of maybe fifty. “It will be a few more minutes. Watch your language, please. This is a school. Not your living room.”
I slammed the door shut before he could get out another word.
Where the hell is Principal Williams?
I wasn’t one to shirk duties or get out of responsibility, but I really could use some back up. Parents had fought over pettier things than the words Hastings was slinging left and right, in front of his son no less. Maybe if I’d been at this school longer I’d have a better idea of how they handled these situations.
I froze in front of the door for a quick second and schooled my features. Could I go back out and face the enigma comforting his son in the hall? I had to. It was my job.
I walked back out to make sure Logan was okay, each step with a pair of concrete bricks attached to my feet.
“My son didn’t hit that little shit out there! We shouldn’t even be here!”
I paused and gritted my teeth. The moment now took a firm seat at the top of the podium as the number one awkward situation of my career, and I’d taught at a low-income New York City elementary school.
Other teachers had warned me about Hastings. The general consensus was that the guy was a raging jerk with little-man syndrome. I had no choice but to concur.
The man in the hood squeezed Logan once more into a bear hug, seemed to whisper something else, and then released him.
Hastings railed off even more expletives and threats from the office.
Logan’s father didn’t take off his hood, just advanced straight toward me. Logan stood in the hallway behind him.
He was not a small man by any means. The closer he came, the tighter my stomach twisted into a knot. The walls closed in on me and the thunder seemed to rumble with each of his footsteps. I gulped when he was about five feet away.
His shoes squeaked against the tile when he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. It stretched the fabric across his shoulders and I realized just how large he was. It was one hundred percent muscle. I tried to keep my thighs from squeezing together and nearly failed.
Compose yourself.
My father named me Courage—even though I went by Cora—when I was born, but I was not living up to it at that moment.
I stretched out a hand toward him. “Hi, I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances. I’m Cora—”
I barely made out two eyes in the shadow of his hood. He sized me up and down, and gestured like he might actually reach out for my hand. Hastings belted out more empty threats from inside the office. The hood turned in that direction and left my hand abandoned mid-air.
I’d never had trouble speaking in front of a parent before, but something about Logan’s dad was just—I didn’t know what it was, to be honest—scary, exciting, mysterious.
I lowered my hand to my side. My mouth was drier than the Sahara. “I, umm, there was an incident, on the playground.”
I tried to keep my voice down. If Hastings knew Logan’s father had shown up there was no telling what might happen. Looking at the man in front of me, it wouldn’t be much of a fight, and I was definitely in no position to stop him if things escalated beyond a discussion.
My eyes strayed to the Levi’s again for a split-second before I caught myself. I had certainly missed Montana men and their jeans. Some might’ve called it a weakness of mine.
He turned back to me, slowly. I watched every move. He took in every piece of information the scene had to offer and actually listened before speaking. People didn’t do that anymore, and I silently appreciated it.
“What happened?” His baritone voice vibrated through me like the encroaching thunder outside.
I stood there, blood pounding through my veins, heart racing down a quarter mile track with no parachute or brakes. His voice demanded an answer, but it didn’t seem coercive. There was a hint of concern laced in it.
“Logan didn’t do anything wrong. Like I said before, there was an incident. We just called both—”
The sound of a chair shuffling and footsteps from the office cut me off. I froze. Hastings must’ve heard me talking.
A tingling sensation radiated through my limbs and goosebumps pebbled down my arms. I had to force a slight smile from my face and mashed my lips into a thin line.
Logan’s father took a few commanding steps toward the door and made sure he’d be the first thing Hastings would see. He put himself right between us and his shoulders were so broad I couldn’t see around him. My thighs tried to squeeze together again. I cursed them silently and stepped out to the side so I could at least see Hastings’ face.
“I’m not waiting for this bullshit any—” The door to Williams’ office burst open. Hastings froze right along with his sentence when he saw Logan’s dad.
His voice went down an octave, barely noticeable. His chest deflated a little too and he tried to recover. “You the dad of the little shit making up stories about my kid?” His words were shaky, and he nodded up the hall toward Logan.
Uh oh.
The hood turned to Logan and looked right through me. “Wait in the car.”
I glanced back. Logan didn’t dare question him. Hell, I don’t think anyone would’ve. I nearly took a step toward the parking lot and caught myself. Logan turned on a dime and took off.
I wasn’t about to stand by and let a dick measuring contest happen on my watch. Both of my hands found my hips and I side-stepped farther so that Hastings could see more than just my face. “Mr. Hastings, get back in the office. Now!”
He ignored me, as expected. I wasn’t a threat to him. The ballsy bastard took a couple of steps toward Logan’s dad until he was a few feet away from him.
Where is Williams? Probably peeking around a corner somewhere, watching.
“Mister Hastings, that is enough.” I started toward him.
Hastings sneered at Logan as he walked toward the door, then he turned to me and his chest puffed out a little more. “You fucking people have—”
Where the hell are you, Williams? Help!
A single finger.
I stopped in my tracks.
He held it up. The man in the hood.
One powerful index finger in the air.
It was just a finger.
That index finger stole the words from Hastings’ mouth and the breath from my lungs.
One gorgeous, forceful finger commanded everything in the room and even the storm outside seemed to shut the hell up.
His left hand balled into a fist at his side.
And we’ve now reached the ‘Oh shit’ portion of the night’s show.
Complete silence fell on the school.
I swear I couldn’t have made it up if I tried. The door closed behind Logan and he walked to the car. Lightning cracked overhead, and the immediate thunder seemed to pick up the building and shake it at the same time the man in the hood dropped his finger.
I shuddered. Freaking thunderstorms.
Logan’s father closed the small gap between him and Hastings. Hastings’ eyes widened like saucers, then his brows narrowed into a V.
Then he did possibly the dumbest thing I’d ever seen a man do. He poked Goliath in the chest. “Listen here—”
The hood tilted down to the finger, and then back up to Hastings’ face. Hastings tried to look tough, but his face was pale as a ghost, and sweat beads formed along his hairline.
The hood glared lasers at Hastings. “Don’t touch me.”
Hastings’ hand dropped like it might fall through the floor.
“D-dad?” Cory Hastings eased open the office door.
The hood shot to Cory for a quick second. He glanced at Hastings and then back to me and then back to Cory. His voice softened a hint while he looked at the boy. “Sorry.”
He turned and headed toward the exit, but stopped at my side. He looked straight ahead. Straight where his son sat in the car, waiting. “Logan won’t be back.” He paced down the hallway.
I turned and watched him leave. I stood there, mouth wide open, catatonic, brain short circuiting all over the place. Logan’s father disappeared through the double doors, and I blew out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.
Oh my God.
Maybe Desire, Montana wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Okay, we ready?” Principal Williams strolled up from the other end of the hallway.
You’ve got to be shitting me.
Enter HERE
Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.
Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading.
Michelle's Review
![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars Five ass kicking stars! Wow! Just wow! This is so not what I was expecting, I was thinking this was going to be the same old cheesy single dad book. Oh hell no! This is one of the most original storylines I've read in a while. I'm in love. It has secrets, adventure and wtf moments. I really like books with duel pov's and Cora and Landon are wonderful characters but for me Joe stole the show. He's hilarious and totally loveable. Some of the things coming out of his mouth had me laughing to the point my family was staring at me like I was nuts. This is one of those books that I don't want to give anything away on and it would be so easy to do. The author has given us an extremely wonderful book that will have you so engaged wondering could this really happen. Is it happening? You gotta read it, it's absolutely amazing. View all my reviews
He’s the boss. But she’s ready to take charge. In this provocative and sexy* office romance, a cheeky new hire tempts a hotshot sports agent to mix business with pleasure. Jenny: Job interviews are a bitch under the best of circumstances, but when your potential boss is the world’s biggest prick, that’s when you should simply walk away. It’s just that I need this job so badly—and I’m mesmerized by Ethan Mason’s piercing gaze. Men like him aren’t supposed to exist in real life. But under the tailored suits and GQ looks, Ethan simmers with barely restrained ambition. And no matter how hard I work to fight the attraction, I’m going to get burned. Ethan: You don’t become a top agent without learning how to close deal. I always get what—or who—I want, by staying cool and in command. Then Jenny Jackson walks into my office with her lush curves and “screw you” attitude and blows away my intentions of keeping things professional. All I can think about is exploring the perfect body hidden beneath those conservative clothes or shutting her saucy mouth with one hot kiss. Jenny’s worth breaking the rules over—if I can convince her to break the rules for me. *By sexy, we mean sexy. Like, 18+ sexy.
Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.
Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading.
Author Links
TOMMY BOY IS LIVE! Author: Sloane Howell \ 99 Cents on Amazon and FREE with Kindle Unlimited BLURB
Can your whole life change in one moment? Away at college, Crystal Castles Clark loves programming computers and playing video games. She doesn’t have time to waste with relationships that are going nowhere and jerks that just want to get in her pants. Tommy Blackwell lives with his buddy, Joel, in a house off campus while he works on finishing up his programming degree. He’s not looking for a girlfriend, just trying his best to please his family and pass his classes with the least amount of effort possible. What happens when two people who seem born for one another cross paths? Should they embrace their attraction or fight it for the sake of appearing normal? Can one event change everything in the end just as surely as it did in the beginning? *Tommy Boy is a prequel novella to Panty Whisperer: The Complete Series and both can be read independently in any order. For 18+ readers only. This story contains scalding hot sexy times, alpha male tendencies, and sweet moments sure to make you swoon.* Nineteen of today's bestselling authors... Plus Nineteen tales of tempting teachers and seductive students... Equals One HOT anthology for an epic cause. Sexy, spicy, romantic, angsty, funny, or sweet-however you like your fantasies, these nineteen original novellas guarantee extra heat. 100% of digital sales profits will go to ProLiteracy, promoting and supporting literacy programs for all ages, genders, and cultures.
Lucky Chance by Carina Adams
Lucky is the golden boy in his college town. A filthy talking bad boy, he can have any woman he wants. Except Ms. Bernard. A chance encounter. One unforgettable night. Breaking the rules never felt so good.
Author Bio
Carina Adams has been writing and creating characters for as long as she can remember, allowing her to fall in love with the next man of her dreams with every new story.
Thankfully, fate stepped in and granted her the ultimate wish - a life full of men. Carina lives in a picturesque New England town with her husband, the man who ruined the thought of all others, and two amazing sons who always keep her on her toes.
Carina received her MBA in May, but would much rather play with her imaginary friends (the voices in her head) than work her 8 to 5. When she isn’t trying to juggle being a working mom with karate and drama practices, surprising her children with her sci-fi movie knowledge, or writing, you can find her with her nose pressed against her kindle, on the back of her husband’s motorcycle, or living life vicariously as her Derby Girl persona, Writers Block.
Perfect Chemistry by Aria Cole
Devon Walsh is the chemistry teacher at the local high school, and in all his years teaching, he’s never looked at a student inappropriately. Until Karoline Kingston steps through his door, with the body of a goddess and innocent eyes that beguile him. He’s distracted throughout class but vows to keep his distance, despite every primal urge telling him to take her hard and mark her as his own. Karoline and Devon count down the days until she’s eighteen and Mr. Walsh can finally touch the woman that he’s been waiting for his entire life. But when he finds another student assaulting her in a dark hallway, Devon loses his mind with rage. Threatening to expose the risky road Karoline and Devon had found themselves on, he vows to protect Karoline no matter the cost.
Devon walsh is brilliant, demanding, and lives life by a rigid set of rules. As chemistry teacher at the high school, his focus is single-minded, his expectations exacting, he has little interest in dating or relationships because nothing comes between him and the job. But Devon has one downfall that he never saw coming and she’s tall, curvy, and completely forbidden. Seventeen-year-old karoline kingston spends more time in the library than she does at senior parties. She’s always managed to escape the attention of the cocky guys in her class, but this year she’s back with a new set of curves that can’t be hidden no matter how hard she tries. Awkward and uncomfortable, Karoline avoids the eyes of everyone, until she sets eyes on her new teacher, the brilliant, sexy and totally intimidating Mr. Walsh.
They do their best to play by the rules, but the chemistry between them is too explosive, each desperate look, every fevered touch pushing them closer to the forbidden edge. Just when they think they’ve found everything , all they've worked at protecting is threatened in a single fevered moment, because Mr. Walsh broke his first rule: never bang a student.
Author Bio
Aria Cole is a thirty-something housewife who once felt bad for reading dirty books late at night, until she decided to write her own. Possessive alpha men and the sassy heroines who love them are common, along with a healthy dose of irresistible insta-love and happily ever afters so sweet your teeth may ache.
For a safe, off-the-charts HOT, and always HEA story that doesn't take a lifetime to read, get lost in an Aria Cole book!
Follow Aria on Amazon for new release updates, or stalk her on Facebook and Twitter to see which daring book boyfriend she's writing next!
Playing with Fire by Mara White
Out of all the shitty things that could possibly happen to you in high school… My parents got divorced and mom couldn’t afford the rent in Manhattan. So she did what any secure, sane and responsible adult would do, move back into the house she grew up in with her parents in Ohio. And where does that leave me? A dedicated dancer about to graduate from LaGuardia Performing Arts, a shoe-in for Juilliard who’s used to navigating the city streets she’s known ever since kindergarten? In Beaufort, Ohio—that’s where, sharing a bunk bed with my mom and starting a brand new school midway through my senior year.
Author Bio
Mara White is a contemporary romance and erotica writer who laces forbidden love stories with hard issues, such as race, gender and inequality. She holds an Ivy League degree but has also worked in more strip clubs than even she can remember. She is not a former Mexican telenovela star contrary to what the tabloids might say, but she is a former ballerina and will always remain one in her heart. She lives in NYC with her husband and two children and yes, when she’s not writing you can find her on the playground.
Illicit by Ava Harrison Synopsis
One night of passion with a stranger. My last escape before senior year. I was never supposed to see him again. But now I see him every day during first period. It’s against the rules to ever touch him. Because now that school’s in session, he’s off limits. Forbidden. Illicit.
Author Bio
Ava Harrison is a New Yorker, born and bred.
When she’s not journaling her life, you can find her window shopping, cooking dinner for her family, or curled up on her couch reading a book.
“Shut Up and Dance with Me” by QT Ruby Synopsis
Monkey wrenches and unicorns—two things that will change the course of Reggie Proctor’s last year of college.
Author Bio
Q.T. Ruby, author of A Matter of Trust and its sequel A Moment of Truth, regularly escapes real-life to fall into make-believe worlds of her own design. Living in her native Connecticut with her two sweet kids, a wonderful husband, and a cat that doesn’t like to get picked up, she teaches tweens full time, hunkers down for cold winters, and tries to write like the wind in the summer.
Dirty Lessons by C.M.Steele
I fell in love/lust with the hottest senior in school. There was just one glitch…I was her teacher.
Author Bio
C.M. Steele is a mother of three and a wife of one. Being a voracious reader of romance novels, she decided to create her own heroes to fall in love with. . Although, the process was harder than she expected. There were times when she wanted to throw in the towel and go back to work in the business world, but it was the few readers that kept her going.
Now she's living her dream of creating characters she loves and sharing them with other readers. She's had moments of doubt and disappointment, but the voices in her head want their stories told, so she must go on. They were always naughty, bossy male voices, and she just can't disappoint them.
Stealing Miss Brooks by Sloane Howell
Jeremiah Jackson is about to be a first round draft pick right out of high school and sign a huge contract. Ashley Brooks refuses to let him skate by in her Lit class with minimal effort. Sparks fly after a chance encounter outside of school at a rock concert, but will they be able to fight their attraction until the end of the school year?
Author Bio
Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes hot romance stories. A former college baseball player turned author, when not reading or writing, he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him goofing off on Facebook or Twitter, and trying to convince Mrs. Howell that it is "work."
Star Pupil by Rochelle Paige
Griffin Stone isn’t known for his patience, but he manages to endure the three months until Avery Rose’s eighteenth birthday to pursue her. The hot teacher has a plan… Step 1: Get close to Avery by replacing her set teacher. Step 2: Make the gorgeous young actress fall for him—just like he’d done with her at first sight from across the studio lot. Step 3: Teach her the most important lesson of all—that she belongs with him. Warning: The sweet story might be short, but it has plenty of sexiness and an alpha male who will do whatever it takes to get his woman.
Author Bio
Rochelle Paige is the Amazon bestselling author of eleven books. She absolutely adores reading and her friends growing up used to tease her when she trailed after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. She loves stories with alpha males, sassy heroines, hot sex and happily ever afters. She is a bit of a genre hopper in both her reading and her writing. So far she's written books in several romance sub-genres including new adult, contemporary, paranormal and romantic suspense.
She is the mother of two wonderful sons who inspired her to chase her dream of being an author. She wants them to learn from her that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
Firecracker by Roya Carmen
A fun steamy rom-com. An uptight bookkeeper. A cocky French Canadian artist. Sammy gets roped into attending an art retreat in Québec City, and falls for her very sexy art instructor.
Author Bio
Mom of three little sweethearts, writer, bookaholic, Nutella-addict, artist, graphic designer, cartoonist, and hopeless romantic. When I'm not writing, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, painting, yoga, camping and travel. I am a Northern French-Canadian, and currently live just North of Toronto.
There is nothing I enjoy more than sitting down at my laptop and making up my own stories - and if those tales should include beautiful men, a little romance, and a few steamy scenes, all the better!
Spring Fling by Elle Christensen
Abbi and Logan burn for each other the moment they meet. They spend spring breaks together and when it comes to an end, it’s clear they both want more. But, when it turns out that Logan is a new teacher at Abbi’s school, will they be forced to stay away from each other? Making their time together nothing but a spring fling?
Author Bio
I’m a lover of all things books, a hopeless romantic, and have always had a passion for writing. Between being a sappy romantic, my love of an HEA, my crazy imagination, and ok, let’s be real, my dirty mind, I fell easily into writing romance.
I’m a huge baseball fan and yet, a complete girly, girl. I’m an obsessive reader and have a slight (hahaha! Slight? Yeah, right) addiction to signed books.
I’m married to my very own book boyfriend, an alpha male with a sexy, sweet side. He is the best inspiration, my biggest supporter and the love of my life. He is also incredibly patient and understanding about the fact that he has to fight the voices in my head for my attention.
I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Salacious by A.Zavarelli
Keller Vaughn is everything that I aspire to be. An artist. A visionary. A creator. If ever a perfect man existed, it would be him. The only problem is… that perfect man? He’s also my professor. I came here to teach. To absolve myself from the guilt of my past by doing good for others. That plan has worked out just fine. Until her. Chloe Abernathy. Because when I see the shy dancer in the back of my classroom, the man in me wants nothing more to corrupt her.
Author Bio
A. Zavarelli is a romance book junkie, cat lover, and traveler when plagued by intense cases of wanderlust. She likes all things chocolate, books that come with warnings, and putting her characters through hell.
Her tales have been known to flirt with darkness and sometimes court it unabashedly altogether. Revenge themes and tortured souls are her favorites to write and this gives her an excuse to watch bizarre and twisted documentaries in her spare time.
She is slightly obsessed with Theo James and funny animal memes. If you don’t mind these things, you should add her on facebook. Even better, make sure you don’t miss a new release by signing up for the newsletter below.
In The Moment by Alison G. Bailey
One night. One random meeting. And one moment was all it took to bring Cadence Fletcher’s heart, soul, and body back to life.
Author Bio
Alison lives in Charleston, SC. Her debut novel, Present Perfect, is an Amazon and International bestseller. The novel won Best Book at the 2014 Indie Romance Convention Awards. Both follow-up novels in the Perfect Series landed on many Best Of Lists for 2014-2015. Stop!, Alison's first YA novel was named one of the top YA novels of 2015.
Defy by L.J. Shen Synopsis
My name is Melody Greene, and I have a confession to make. I slept with my student, a senior in high school. Multiple times. I had multiple orgasms. In multiple positions. I slept with my student and I enjoyed it. I slept with my student and I’d do it all over again if I could turn back time. My name is Melody Greene, and I got kicked out of my position as a teacher and did my walk of shame a la Cersei Lannister from the principal’s office, minutes after said principal threatened to call the cops on me.
Author Bio
L.J. Shen is a former entertainment and music journalist, a recovering hipster, a hopeless romantic and a reformed Riot grrrl. She speaks three languages - four, if you include sarcasm. She writes everything from dark to comedy, as long as there's enough love and romance involved. Shen lives in Northern California with her son, husband, cat and collection of designer shoes.
L.J. wants to be Tina Fey when she grows up. Keep your fingers crossed for her.
Riding Through by Dani Wyatt
Everything was going fine until I saw her ass in those riding pants. Constance Montgomery with her legs spread on the leather of the saddle. Her top half has my mouth watering and things inside me shift. Seems my program is about to change. All the years of indifference to any female form all come tumbling down. My hard rule to never get involved with a student is about to be broken. With her. Reed Sawyer is at the top of his game. The top equestrian trainer around and I’m about to pass out because he’s looking right at me. Only, he’s not my trainer. I’m tired of being under my parent’s thumb. Maybe it’s time I pushed the envelope a little. And Reed Sawyer looks like just the right wall to start pushing on. A naïve, sheltered girl. A brooding, perfectionist with years of pent up need. The sparks fly. The walls come down. Hot lessons are learned.
Author Bio
Dani Wyatt used to feel bad about having such dirty thoughts. Luckily, one day she decided to starting writing them down. Her uber alpha heros have a wicked possessive streak and an insatiable libido. Her heroines are intelligent, quirky and worry about having too much muffin top. With her books, you can count on a heaping helping of HOT and always a happily ever after.
When she's not writing (which is not often) she is probably laughing about some irony (like A-1 Steak Sauce is vegan), riding her horse, wondering why The Walking Dead can't have a new episode every night, or looking cross-eyed at some piece of technology sent to ruin her day.
Break Point by Rachel Blaufeld
Juliette Smith, star tennis player, is starting over at a new university. Traumatized by hazing at her last school, all she wants is to attend classes, win tennis matches, and be left the hell alone. She should have known her coach, Drew King, would be a problem from the moment he flexed his sexy-as-hell forearms. What happens when you mix a pissed-off woman with a bunch of snooty teammates and a hot coach? A heated match, complete with team politics and a forbidden game of singles with the coach.
Author Bio
Rachel Blaufeld is a bestselling author of Coming of Age, Romantic Suspense, and Sports Romance fiction. She recently asked her readers to describe her, and the adjectives they came up with included: insightful, generous, articulate, and spunky. Originally a social worker, Rachel creates broken yet redeeming characters. She’s been known to turn up the angst like cranking the heat up in the dead of winter.
Turning her focus on her sometimes wild-and-crazy creative side, it only took Rachel two decades to do exactly what she wanted to do—write a fiction novel. Now she spends way too many hours in local coffee shops, downing muffins and plotting her ideas. Her tales may all come with a side of angst and naughtiness, but end deliciously.
Blaufeld, also an entrepreneur/blogger, is fearless about sharing her opinion. Before turning her pen to fiction, she captured the ear of stay-at-home and working moms on her blog, BacknGrooveMom, chronicling her adventures in parenting tweens and inventing a product, often at the same time. She has also blogged for the Huffington Post and Modern Mom.
Most recently, she shares conversations from being “In Bed with a Romance Author” and reading recommendations over at “Happy Ever After” on USA TODAY.
Rachel lives around the corner from her childhood home in Pennsylvania with her family and two beagles. Her obsessions include running, coffee, basketball, icing-filled doughnuts, antiheroes, and mighty fine epilogues.
Teach Me, Sir by Julia Sykes
Indulging in her secret fantasies about Professor Parker would destroy Sarah’s Good Girl persona. Luckily for her, she doesn’t have a shot with her sexy teacher, so her reputation is safe. But when Sarah puts herself in a dangerous situation, Professor Parker’s protective—and possessive—instincts take over. Forbidden lust ignites as his long-denied urges to possess his innocent student consume him. Can they keep their taboo attraction secret? Or will surrendering to their darkest impulses ruin them both?
Author Bio
Julia Sykes is the USA Today bestselling author of the Impossible Series. She has always kept dark stories tucked away in her mind, so she was thrilled when she discovered that other people actually want to read them. Her books blend romance, suspense, and BDSM.
When not writing, Julia spends her time petting her cat-children, reading, and binge watching TV with her husband. You can usually find her in Starbucks with a venti iced coffee clutched in her hand.
Julia loves connecting with readers! Please feel free to contact her on facebook, through twitter, or email her directly at [email protected]. You can find out more about Julia's current and future projects at
Schooled by A Senior by K. Webster
Aut Blanks is brilliant bad boy with a chip on his shoulder. Mrs. Macmillan is a substitute teacher way in over her head. When they're forced to work together, the sexual tension is off the charts. Will the teacher remain professional or will she be schooled in a lesson on sex by a filthy boy who barely fits in his desk?
Author Bio
K Webster is the author of dozens of romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she's active on social media connecting with her readers.
Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen.
Learning His Law by Celia Aaron
Having a crush on her demanding—and sexy—law school professor seemed inevitable for Penny. Professor Elliot was smart, hot, and intense. There was only one problem; Penny noticed that Professor Elliot never looked at her, never so much as glanced her way since he called roll on the very first day. When professor and student are thrown together, Penny will discover just how far her professor will go to make her his.
Author Bio
Celia Aaron is a recovering attorney who loves romance and erotic fiction. Dark to light, angsty to funny, real to fantasy—if it’s hot and strikes her fancy, she writes it. Thanks for reading.
Behind The Wall by Jane Harvey-Berrick
Behind the Wall is a story of an illicit love that tries to blossom behind the bars of Nottoway Correctional Center, a level 3 security prison. Ella Newsome quit her job teaching in public school to work in a prison. Her passion is education, but when she is challenged by felon Dane Garrett in more ways than one, she’s shaken to the core. Can love bloom in such a harsh environment, or will Ella learn things about Garrett that she’d rather not know?
Author Bio
I get asked where my ideas come from. A lot. That's a really hard one to answer, because it's usually a build-up of vague ideas, conversations overheard (I do like to lurk), things I've seen or experienced, and sometimes just that weird alchemy that is imagination.
I carry a notebook everywhere in case inspiration strikes, and I'm often jotting down notes while I walk by the ocean with my four-legged best friend.
What happens when an unrepentant Cleat Chaser meets the player of her dreams? Nikki Graves has a history of going through the baseball roster with an eye for talent--the kind of talent that keeps things spicy between the sheets. But, once she meets Braden Bradford, catcher for the Ravens, her talent scout days are done. He's the one. Braden has never met a woman like Nikki, and he can't get enough of her smart mouth and big heart. But life isn't always as direct and certain as the connection between Braden and Nikki. When family objections and career trajectories begin to crowd the plate, will Braden be able to keep his catch of a lifetime? I shot back against the cushion, doing my best to act normal. Nik pushed the door open. “Hey, babe. I was waiting for my dessert course.” I made a show of scrubbing my hand across my mouth and face like I was clearing her a space. “I’m good.” Her tone was flat, and she didn’t even look at me. What the hell? Her usual spark was gone. She sauntered over to the side table, and dropped her keys and bag on it. I glanced down at the laptop screen full of porn. Fuck! I’d been researching some new shit to try out with her, but there was no way she’d believe me. My gaze drifted to the mouse way up under the table. There was no chance I could get to it without giving away my knee situation. Using my good leg, I tried to gently kick the computer screen closed, and, of course, it only opened wider. “Have you moved from the couch all night? Did you even shower?” She sighed, still facing the wall like she had no interest in looking at me. “What’s wrong, babe? What happened?” My mind raced. A lot could have occurred at Estate de CuntMuffin that would set her off. I’d been worried the whole time she was gone. “I’m fine.” She turned around, and I watched her eyes dart straight to the computer screen. Her brows pinched together and her hands went to her hips. Fuck me. This won’t be good. “Nice, Braden. Real fucking nice.” “It’s not what you think. I don’t look at porn.” I stared in the other direction and mumbled. “Often.” “Your fingers slip and accidentally type in ‘’” She scowled and began to pace back and forth. I’d expected her to be upset about the porn, but not this much. I was halfway hoping she’d want to look at it with me. “No. I was trying to find new stuff to try out on you. If you must know.” Her lips curled like she might smile, and then they mashed back into a thin line. So close. “Have they said if you’re going to be traded or not?” She took another step toward me, ignoring all of the pussy acrobatics flashing on the laptop. “No.” I tilted my head to my lap and ground my teeth while I tried to compose myself. I’d been trying to forget about that shit all day, but the pain in my knee kept it front and center in my mind. She made a pfft sound and threw her arms in the air. “Babe, I’m sorry. I know I’m supposed to have a clue what you’re upset about. I just don’t.” A million things rocketed through my mind at once and brought my entire thought process to a crashing halt. My brain buffered slower than the inverted cowgirl pussy nomming scene I’d attempted to watch earlier. Nik scowled, and then folded her arms across her chest. She stared me down like a closer in the ninth inning. “Think really really hard about the problem we have.” My eyes rolled up toward the ceiling. “Uhh, your parents?” I glanced back and tried to judge her reaction. She made a loud sound like a buzzer that startled me. “Fucking hell. I mean, umm, me being traded?” I held my hands up and shrugged. “Warmer.” She took another step toward me. I hated this fucking guessing game. Why couldn’t she just say it? Heat rushed into my face, and my body tensed. “Can you just tell me? Please. Stop fucking around with me.” I smacked my hand against the back of the sofa, and Nik jumped. “Maybe my parents were right. Maybe you do have anger issues.” She stomped off a few steps and whipped back around. “Easton!” “Take that shit back. You know I don’t. Maybe your goddamn family just brings it out of everyone. Maybe you’re more like your mo—” I froze stiff on the couch, and my eyes bugged out. I held up my hands. “I stopped myself. You heard me. I did not say it.” It was too late. I thought my head was going to explode the way Nik glowered in my direction. Her hands were squeezed into fists at her sides, and I could see all the whites of her knuckles. She started toward me like a possessed demon. “Did you say what I think you said?” Do not answer, Braden. That shit is rhetorical. Adapt and survive. I shook my head quickly and braced myself in case she resorted to physical violence.
![]() My rating: 5 of 5 stars One of the funniest books I've read in a while. You don't even have to be a baseball fan to love this series. Book 2 is Braden and Nikki's book and you can't help falling in love with these two. Not only are they both extremely funny and sexy characters but together they are explosive. The story is wonderful and the writing is great. The humor in it keeps you laughing, especially Kasey. She is freaking hilarious. I've really enjoyed this series and can't wait for more from these two amazing authors.
About the Authors
Celia Aaron Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading. Author Links Twitter Facebook Web Goodreads Amazon page Instagram Sloane Howell Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy. Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading. Author Links Twitter Facebook Web Goodreads Amazon page Instagram
January 2019